construction started yesterday.
I had this PE set in the stash. Some parts will be used and some not (such as the IP, radio, etc which to my eye is better covered by the kit's decals
The relief details of the IP were sanded down. Detail was excellent and I felt some remorse when I obliterated all. If I get another Kate, I will proceed straight to painting the IP.
The numerous ejection marks on the cockpit sidewalls and crew seats were covered with tamiya tape, cut in each panel's dimensions. First PE parts were also added.
After the phase 1 of the assembly, everything was sprayed with a 50:50 mix of Tamiya XF-71 and a random light grey, in order to reach the Nakajima cockpit green. Various details were brush painted.
Decals and PE instruments were applied.
After that, a seal with floor finish and a black wash.
Seat belts were included in the PE set, placed and painted a random tan color.
And finally some paint chipping. The contrast will be toned down with a flat coat and some slight dry pastels.
I apologize for the long post, but the hellish heat that prevails here for the last week, had the positive effect of reducing drying times to a phenomenal rate, thus all the above were done within a day.