Report cards are done. Benchmark testing is done. Parent-teacher conferences are (mostly) done. There is BRRRT! progress to report!
So, this build is totally fighting me! Well, the plastic is. The aftermarket resin has been a pleasure to work with. I got the nacelles assembled and the fans and intake shrouds installed. A little putty got things smoothed out pretty well...
The biggest problem is the assembled nacelles are not round. Quite a bit of filler and sanding was required, but things looked pretty good after a coat of primer. There are still some spot-fixes that need to get done, but I'll do those when I'm doing the final prep.
I was able to get the fuselage assembled. I put in one of Terry Dean's nose weights to keep this thing properly on its legs. This weight is big and heavy. Despite its size, it fits perfectly into the nose.
After the fuse halves went together, I attached the nacelle assembly. Fit was not good. I had to use some stryene to fill the rear gap and, in order to keep the gaps at the bottom of the assembly to a minimum, the upper-forward seam has a step.
The seam between the fuselage halves wasn't too bad...until I had a little mishap. The kit has you install the nose gear before the fuselage halves go together. I was very worried about breaking the nose gear during assembly. Well, I had the kit sitting upside down to protect the nose gear when the nose gear must have gotten caught on part of my clothing. I pulled the kit off my table and onto the floor. Not only did I break the nose gear, but I split the fuselage seams. They split about halfway back. The seams, which I had carefully glued together to minimize clean-up and loss of raised detail, needed to be readdressed. Um...they didn't turn out as well the second time. (GRRR!)
I'm starting to have flashbacks to my B-1's fill-sand-repeat-drink nightmare. Still, I press on with this thing. Wish me luck! I'll post more when there's more to post.