you guys are only getting your lisence now?!! i got mine in may! up here in Alberta you can get you learners permit at 14, and you lisence 2 years after that. the permit requires just a 20 question test, pretty easy, i got 19/20. with a lerners you can only drive if there is somone over 18 with a lisence in the vehicle.
the full drivers lisence requires a road test, the road test is really hard and alot of people don't pass it the first time. i know a guy who took 4-6 trys until he got it. i did it in my mom's malibu, and i was use to driving it so i passed with ALOT of marks. (there is a certian amount of points you have, and they get taken off for doing wrong stuff). i lost some marks on parking, nothing serious, just not straight enough
i currently drive a 1989 mercury topaz. this is it's site
at least it runs.... not that fast, but i did beat that same guy (who had troubles passing his test) in a race and he drives a mazda mx3. there was ice, and he stomped on the gas, not wise when there is little traction
when i graduate my parents are giving my a 2001 (i think...) ford ranger.