I had been tossing the idea around of adding a couple of gunpods to my A-10, maybe not in the 20mm range...but it would make for a cool "What If" type of loadout. Guess it'd give a whole new meaning to the term "steel rain"!
Trigger, good to hear you'll be getting a space to yourself! I share my area with the kids' tv and computer, so I sometimes feel guilty if I want to work while they're watching cartoons (admittedly, there are some that I can watch, but some of them drive me from the room). But I'll be getting the decals on soon, then I'll post more photos.
A day in the Corps is like a day on the farm; every meal is a banquet, every paycheck a fortune, every formation a parade...
The Marine Corps is a department of the Navy? Yeah...The Men's Department.