hey Daniel I have seen and used that site...it was FANTASTIC! Loads of Kiwi A4's as well as RAN jobs as well...it was a great help on my meager build...speaking of...decals are on. They are a mix of kit (Fujimi) and Flying Kiwi. The Flying Kiwi were very disppointing. Very thick and off register. Hopefully the amount of Future and Dullcote used will remedy this, initial results are okay.
I should be able to drop some photos in within the next week or so. Total time to this point on this build is right about 20 hours. Most of it spent on painting, decals and fidlly bits.
Now I remember while I typically stick to single engine props!
The ordinance and fuel tanks are being finished now and the landing gear is about 50% done. This is the test bed for the 1/48 Hasegawa A4K that should be in the mail this week.
The RNZAF Corasair (1/72 Hasegawa) will be submitted later on in the build.