I bought a second hand Hasagawa Kfir C2. I wish I'd looked in the box, better as it has raised panel lines (a real pain if you sand a joint), and no windscreen/windshield. The rest of the canopy was there. Solution? Live with the raised lines and hope, whilst a terrible PM 'Mirgae/Nesher/Dagger' kit provides the windscreen.
Slight problem, it's a one piece unit. No problem I think, I'll cut off the canopy (which is quite wrong anyway), and just use the windscreen. Hmm, motto here should have been patience. Except, not find a saw, I decide to use snippers, and snip off of the windscreen. Luckily, it's part of the non-clear area, but now I need to re-build that bit!
Amazing, what I consider to be the worst kit ever, has actually provided me with a part I need! OK, it's not brilliant, and the fit is iffy, needing a lot of filler, but so long as the canopy is slightly raised (it would look weird touching the windscreen), I should be able to get away with it!
That kit's 1/72, I'm also working on an Academy 1/48 Fujimi rip-off Mirage IIIR. Done some work, and filled in the 'tombstone', and painted the intakes.