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Fleet Air Arm Group Build

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  • Member since
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  • From: Melbourne, Australia
Posted by darson on Thursday, March 15, 2007 7:45 PM

I agree with you Darren I hate re-scribing as well, principally because I suck at it.

Well I was a bad boy last night and I made a start on the Seafire by cutting the wings of my Tamiya Spitfire Mk.Vb and to say I'm disappointed is the understatement of the century.  The width of the MDC wing where it meets the fuselage is actually too short for the Tamiya kit so I'm going to need to need to do some serious surgery to get this puppy to fit Banged Head [banghead]

I've also got to try and figure out how the heck I can get the correct dihedral on the wings when I eventually glue them on with CA Disapprove [V].  I'm thinking at this stage of setting up some kind of jig to keep everything lined up while the glue dries.

I'll take a pic of the wing problem and post it when I get home from work tonight.


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  • From: Melbourne, Australia
Posted by darson on Friday, March 16, 2007 6:39 AM

Here's the pick of the one wing on the Spit that I have trimmed and test fitted the MDC wing.  As you can see from the pic there is a sizable gap at the bottom of the wing that I'm going to have to fill somehow

Also, this is way Sign - Off Topic!! [#offtopic] for FAA group build but I found this photo a while ago and was totally blown away by it.  This photo is a Spitfire Mk.II taken circa late 1941 and just have a look at how badly weathered and stained this plane is Shock [:O]


Have a look at just how little real panel lines actually show up and how the exhaust is not rusted through.  Although you can see a definite bleaching to the RAF Green on the spine of the aircraft behind the cockpit.

Anyway it's a good reference. 


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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Friday, March 16, 2007 8:18 AM


Wow, that is quite a gap.  looks like a job for super glue and talcum powder!

Thanks for the Spitfire pic, it's incredible!  Wish I could pull off a weathering job like that!



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Posted by rjkplasticmod on Friday, March 16, 2007 8:49 AM

Darren, that's an incredible Spitfire pic, one I had not seen before.  Shows evidence of a lot of paint touch-up, but the ground crew forgot to pre-shade the panel lines Big Smile [:D].

 Good luck filling the gap at the wing, looks like a tube or two of Squadron White will do the job...

Regards,  Rick

RICK At My Age, I've Seen It All, Done It All, But I Don't Remember It All...
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Posted by espins1 on Friday, March 16, 2007 10:22 AM
Nice pic Darren, looks like the maintenance guys did a heavy oil wash on the leading edge of the wings..... Laugh [(-D]

Scott Espin - IPMS Reno High Rollers  Geeked My Reviews 

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Posted by TANGO 1 on Friday, March 16, 2007 11:51 AM

Hey Everyone,

I've not got much done since I was last here, but will try and get some pics up tonight. To be honest though, the Spit looks very messy at the moment. Blush [:I] Still, at least we can have a good laugh at it!Big Smile [:D]


thanks for posting that picture! I've seen some banged up airframes in my time, but that takes some beating. Again, off topic....but I'd love to show that to Pat Hawley and say "Build that!"

Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]

He'd lay an egg!!  Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]


Oh my sides......Ha!Ha!Ha!Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]

Pirate [oX)]

Regards, Darren. C.A.G. FAA/USNFAW GB
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  • From: A secret workshop somewhere in England
Posted by TANGO 1 on Friday, March 16, 2007 11:55 AM

Its the weekend! Party [party]Big Smile [:D]Cool [8D]Dinner [dinner]Make a Toast [#toast]Laugh [(-D]


Rum Rations!Pirate [oX)]Pirate [oX)]Make a Toast [#toast]Make a Toast [#toast]Make a Toast [#toast]Make a Toast [#toast]Make a Toast [#toast]


Pirate [oX)]

Regards, Darren. C.A.G. FAA/USNFAW GB
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  • From: Casa Grande, Az.
Posted by DesertRat on Friday, March 16, 2007 12:17 PM
 TANGO 1 wrote:

Its the weekend! Party [party]Big Smile [:D]Cool [8D]Dinner [dinner]Make a Toast [#toast]Laugh [(-D]


Rum Rations!Pirate [oX)]Pirate [oX)]Make a Toast [#toast]Make a Toast [#toast]Make a Toast [#toast]Make a Toast [#toast]Make a Toast [#toast]


Pirate [oX)]

It's friday and i'll drink to that! Especially since i didn't get to indulge last weekend!


I've got a week long furlough next week (or vacation for the civilian typesWink [;)]) and i'm finally gonna catch up on all the things i've been pushing off. My "honey-do" list is pretty minimal, which is completely out of the ordinary. But why question a good thing? I'm hoping that with a week off, i'll be able to make some good progress on the Dauntless, and i'm hoping that i'll get to where i'll be ready for paint by the end of the week. That's my goal anyways.

NOW WHERE IS MY CAPTAIN???????? Make a Toast [#toast]Captain [4:-)]Party [party]

Warmest regards,


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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Friday, March 16, 2007 2:47 PM
That's right mates, rum all 'round!  Captain's orders.  Pirate [oX)] Make a Toast [#toast]



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  • From: A secret workshop somewhere in England
Posted by TANGO 1 on Saturday, March 17, 2007 1:14 PM

Disapprove [V]..........too much rum last workshop time............too many things to do.

I need some downtime........and some more rum.Big Smile [:D]

Pirate [oX)]Make a Toast [#toast]



Regards, Darren. C.A.G. FAA/USNFAW GB
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  • From: Melbourne, Australia
Posted by darson on Saturday, March 17, 2007 6:23 PM

I got a little bench time last night and did a little painting on a Fw 190 that I'm doing, then I hit the rum (well red wine actually), waaaaaaaaay to much rum as usual.

This morning I don't feel so great...Dead [xx(]

  • Member since
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  • From: Melbourne, Australia
Posted by darson on Sunday, March 18, 2007 3:11 AM
Hmmm, things seem to be a little quiet aeound here today Whistling [:-^]
  • Member since
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Posted by TANGO 1 on Sunday, March 18, 2007 8:56 AM
Everyone hung-over?Big Smile [:D]
Regards, Darren. C.A.G. FAA/USNFAW GB
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  • From: A secret workshop somewhere in England
Posted by TANGO 1 on Sunday, March 18, 2007 9:05 AM

It is kind of quiet here........Whistling [:-^]

I have not had any hobby time this weekend as I've got a lot going on. I'm hoping to get into the workshop tomorrow and get a few bits done.  As April is fast approaching I want to clear my bench to make way for my Hellcat. 


How is it going with your Seafire? 

Regards, Darren. C.A.G. FAA/USNFAW GB
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  • From: A secret workshop somewhere in England
Posted by TANGO 1 on Sunday, March 18, 2007 1:04 PM

Still quiet...................Whistling [:-^]


Regards, Darren. C.A.G. FAA/USNFAW GB
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  • From: A secret workshop somewhere in England
Posted by TANGO 1 on Sunday, March 18, 2007 1:09 PM

Y'know they that talking to yourself is the first  sign of madness.........Confused [%-)]Clown [:o)]Party [party]Clown [:o)]Confused [%-)]



Hey! Who said that?Shock [:O]

Regards, Darren. C.A.G. FAA/USNFAW GB
  • Member since
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  • From: A secret workshop somewhere in England
Posted by TANGO 1 on Sunday, March 18, 2007 1:10 PM

He did!  Big Smile [:D]



Oh boy.........I gotta lay off that rum.Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

Regards, Darren. C.A.G. FAA/USNFAW GB
  • Member since
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  • From: Casa Grande, Az.
Posted by DesertRat on Sunday, March 18, 2007 1:31 PM
Darren..........this is your must set down the bottle of rumAngel [angel]

Warmest regards,


  • Member since
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  • From: South Central Wisconsin
Posted by Daywalker on Sunday, March 18, 2007 3:42 PM
Oh, great.  We leave you guys alone with a bottle of rum for a little while and look what happens?  Tongue [:P] Propeller [8-]



  • Member since
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  • From: Melbourne, Australia
Posted by darson on Sunday, March 18, 2007 4:29 PM
 TANGO 1 wrote:


How is it going with your Seafire? 

Darren After my initial burst of wing cutting activity I've put the Seafire aside until the start of April.


  • Member since
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  • From: A secret workshop somewhere in England
Posted by TANGO 1 on Sunday, March 18, 2007 5:18 PM

 DesertRat wrote:
Darren..........this is your must set down the bottle of rumAngel [angel]

Darren hears this and thinks..... 

"Flippin' eck!- this is good stuff ! I can hear angels talking to me!" Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]

Regards, Darren. C.A.G. FAA/USNFAW GB
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  • From: A secret workshop somewhere in England
Posted by TANGO 1 on Sunday, March 18, 2007 5:21 PM
 darson wrote:
 TANGO 1 wrote:


How is it going with your Seafire? 

Darren After my initial burst of wing cutting activity I've put the Seafire aside until the start of April.




April's not too far away now,  looking forward to seeing more of that one.Thumbs Up [tup]

Regards, Darren. C.A.G. FAA/USNFAW GB
  • Member since
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  • From: Casa Grande, Az.
Posted by DesertRat on Monday, March 19, 2007 2:24 AM
 TANGO 1 wrote:

 DesertRat wrote:
Darren..........this is your must set down the bottle of rumAngel [angel]

Darren hears this and thinks..... 

"Flippin' eck!- this is good stuff ! I can hear angels talking to me!" Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]

Whistling [:-^]they don't call em "spirits" for nothing!Wink [;)]

Warmest regards,


  • Member since
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Posted by triumf on Monday, March 19, 2007 4:36 AM

Just a little update on how things are going here.    I`ve completed the airframes on both the Gannet and the Wyvern,and attached the wings on both models..Just could`nt have the sonardome in the extended position on the Gannet...;).and had of course done what little sanding that was requiered on the seemes. Primed both yesterday and painted the small stuff like undercarriage and such.

Plans of today is to paint them sky.before using the ocean grey when the sky is cured

life begins at 200 On the bench: RAF Ventura Tomcat 1\32 for my son Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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Posted by harvs73 on Monday, March 19, 2007 5:08 AM

If the rum is Bundaberg Rum i'll be in it!!! (OP preferably) Party [party]

 I have had a day off sick today and managed to get some work done this afternoon on the Barracuda (the morning was solid sleep). I have extended the fueslage framework into the middle compartment and have weathered the cockpit parts except for the fueslage interior. I have to add more boxes etc to the Nav compartment to make it look more busy as currently it looks too bare. The wings have also been stuck together and are drying so I can join them to the fueslage next time.

The probem is in fact how far to go as it can get very messy inside the Barracuda from the images I have seen.

Dave Harvey

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Posted by darson on Monday, March 19, 2007 6:00 AM

Great to hear that you are making good progress Dave, please post us some more pics of the build as it comes along.

Well the Gannet arrived in the post today minus the Eduard masks unfortunately as those are on backorder.  The kit itself looks good and about all I'll be adding are the Red Roo RAN decals and some making tape harnesses.

triumf how about post a couple of pics of the Wyvern and the Gannet, I'd love to see how they are going



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Posted by gwaihir on Monday, March 19, 2007 9:07 AM

Darren, I would love to join this one if it is ok. If I am in, I will be building a corsair. Unfortunately, it is one that I started (originally planning on GSB scheme) but lost interest in and put away. I think the GB and the idea of FAA camo will return motivation. Sadly, it wont have a special seat / belts or anything like that, since I am already past that point.

Anyway, if you don't mind my joining with a previously started build let me know.

Here's where I am at at this point...



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  • Member since
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  • From: Reno, NV
Posted by espins1 on Monday, March 19, 2007 10:29 AM
Very nice looking cockpit and engine Leon!  Smile [:)]

Scott Espin - IPMS Reno High Rollers  Geeked My Reviews 

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  • From: Everett, WA
Posted by gwaihir on Monday, March 19, 2007 11:50 AM

Thanks Scott,

Of course there are things that I am not 100% happy with (seatbelts), but overall I am happy and think it will look pretty good in the finished corsair...


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  • Member since
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  • From: A secret workshop somewhere in England
Posted by TANGO 1 on Monday, March 19, 2007 3:50 PM
 DesertRat wrote:
 TANGO 1 wrote:

 DesertRat wrote:
Darren..........this is your must set down the bottle of rumAngel [angel]

Darren hears this and thinks..... 

"Flippin' eck!- this is good stuff ! I can hear angels talking to me!" Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]

Whistling [:-^]they don't call em "spirits" for nothing!Wink [;)]

Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]....Hehehehehehehehehe!!!

Regards, Darren. C.A.G. FAA/USNFAW GB

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