Darren(tango) - Nice looking Spitfire. It comes up well considering the amount of critisism it received in reviews.
The Lynx looks good as well! Pity about the doors, but these things are sent to try as aren't they. More rum is definately needed to get over the problem.
The detail on the Firefly is straight from the box, I have added nothing to the kit parts! Thats why I like the kit so much, all I may need to add is some cabling for the radios in the rear compartment. The only problems I have found so far is that the surface had a weird texture to it which I fixed with 1200 grit wet and dry and the rivets/dzus fasteners were not all formed correctly. Some of the fasteners were barely formed indents, others were proud of the fuselage and then some just right. I just had to drill them out to a consistent depth with a fine drill bit.
Frank, I use Humbrol 78 for the main colour with the wash being Hu78 with Matt black added and then thinned whilst the highlights are Hu78 with matt white added. I did about four different shades of lightened Hu78 for the weathering.
I just realized that with all of the types of prop driven aircraft being made we could just about do a raid on the Tirpitz! Corsairs, Barracuda's, Firefly's, Seafire's and I think even Hellcats were involved in there at some stage as well. I have the Lancaster in 1/48 with the Grandslam so the Tirpitz could be in trouble.