Your right Frank it is a bit slower. I have found that while this paint has great color accuracy it does need to be given time to dry and sorta cure otherwise it can tend to mix into itself.
I noticed that with the camera flash. (all pics with bright light and flash) the Dark Slate Gray looks almost like RLM02 to me, but the flash lets the camera capture the pattern and shows any paint flaws that I cant see with just my eyes. The edges are harder and there is two good coats over primer and a base coat of Extra Dark Sea gray. That color seems a tad darker in this brand and makes the Dark Slate Gray jump out a bit more. I intend to give it a bit of a blending overspray like on the German Splinter patterns to slightly fade it but not too extreme as these aircraft were freshly painted at the time of the attack.
It will look a lot more realistic when finished ( I hope) I set it up and let it dry all day after the pics as well. Patience! What a concept!
Spike I only have Mk I 's With 3 of them I haven't the spirit to shell out the $$ for that Tamiya MK II as it still sells pretty expensive. Talk to Frank about it cuz he has skills and chicks dig guys with skills. Or Guy? but girls just dig him cuz of the accent I think.
Ritchie and Admiral! I agree that frog tape was just the right tool for a large model like this.
Edit: I'll just add to this as I have no real pics to add. I believe I have found the flaw in this kit.
It seems as if for the most part that it is exactly a blown up expanded copy of the Tamiya kit. This I think is perhaps the bane of this kit. The exact precision engineering that Tamiya has in 1/48 was fine for 1/48 scale, but when expanded to 1/32 there are certain considerations that have been igmored. For instance the fuselage fit when the parts are twice the length tends to warp causing a troublesome join. The wings and PE sequence also have a great deal of fit issues slowing progress as they must be fixed.
What I am saying is with the scale change you have the effect of say a marksman shooting a target at 50 yards. A slight twitch may throw the bullet off 1/2 an inch with no noticable effect. Take the same shot at 300 yards and you would miss the target completely. Which is what has happened with the wing fit.
Compounded by the precise engineerig does not allow for much room for error without throwing off the alignment of other assemblies as well.
I guess what I am saying is this Tamiya copy does not go together like a Tamiya kit. More like a Trumpeter kit that has simply been expanded to get a 1/32 scale kit. I wonder if this is a similar cause with the other kits in 1/32 that have a bad reputation? Like the Corsair? P-38 extc.
Nothing that can't be overcome but it takes a lot of time and some pretty advanced tools and work to get right. Not a kit for a beginner to be sure.