Hey guys! This is probably against the rules here, but this kit is so cool, that i gotta show it off. It's for the lucky recipient of the secret santa gift exchange, and i wanted to share a few pictures.
Here's a picture of the box art! With an unusual kit like this, somehow i thought the artwork was somehow even better than you find on most kits! Just kinda makes you wanna frame the box itself, doesn't it?
And it even has box art on the bottom of the kit too! Granted i'm not accustomed to seeing that, but i thought it was a really nice touch. Kinda makes the whole kit just stand out all that much more. I honestly can't decide whether i like the artwork on the top or bottom more. WHat do you guys think?
A photograph of the list of needed supplies. I'm sure my recipient has most everything here, but i'm sure there's probably a shade or two of paint he will need. As a public service, i figured i wouold post that early so that he can get ready...
And I even got a pretty good deal on the kit too! Here's a picture of the price tag. Though i should mention that since i got it during Veterans Day weekend, i actually got 25% off! Given the novelty of this particular kit, i think it was a really good deal!
Yeah, i'm probably breaking a few rules here, but i just wanted to share that with the rest of y'all! Have ya ever seen a kit like that ever in your life? I like it, and i think that ****** is gonna love it!