Hi Dupes and Moose --
Thanks for the confidence, guys! I was just thinking about spraying pressures. I've been working at low pressure, rarely more than 1bar and less than that for special effects. I was getting spatter and I assumed raisng the pressure would cause the problem to worsen, but I reckon the higher pressure actually aerosols the paint droplets more thoroughly in the AB, creating the fineness. You can really feel the blast trying to move the model in your hand! Pity it uses so much air, my bottle is a $30+ fill so I've got to be more economical with it.
I've not yet experimented with clear coats (something tells me it's not far away!) so I think I'll get some dirt on ahead of decals, then use minimal effects over them for safety (e.g., pigment).
Cheers, looking forward to putting this one in the display case!