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Vintage Armor Kit GB - 5/1/08 - 12/31/08 WIP

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  • Member since
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  • From: New Jersey
Posted by redleg12 on Friday, September 19, 2008 7:39 AM

Bufflehead - First, nice recovery on the tracks. Part of modeling is recovery from an OOPS.

The build overall is very nice. The detailing, I love the tow cables and the exhaust. Did you do the exhaust with just washes or did you use something like rustex??????

Great job on the pinwashes...all the fine details stand out.

Paint is a good copy of your research photo.

Not only is this a Vintage build...its a winner, even today.

Nice job Thumbs Up [tup]

As far as the intrest in the GB, We tried....Most people want todays super kits with super details. They are nice but I also like older kits and scratch building. Scratch building details seems to be a dying art.

For those few who have stayed should be proud of doing something few other wanted to try.

Panther.....don't give up!!!

I'll still be watching from the bunker

Rounds Complete!!

"The Moral High Ground....A Great Place to Emplace Artillery."

  • Member since
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  • From: Indiana U.S.A.
Posted by Panther F on Thursday, September 18, 2008 3:27 PM
What's not to like?  I love it! Bow [bow]  Two thumbs up on this one bufflehead!  Yeah!! [yeah]
  • Member since
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  • From: San Francisco Bay Area
Posted by bufflehead on Thursday, September 18, 2008 2:04 AM

I know there isn't a lot of activity in this GB, but for what's its worth I have a complete build to submit.  I'm surprised because I actually finished a build way before the end date of the GB!!Shock [:O]    

So here it is:  Tamiya's VENERABLE (1971) Panzer III Ausf. M/N built as a long barreled M.  The markings represent the command vehicle of Oberst Hermann von Oppeln-Bronikowski during the Battle of Kursk, July 1943.  I was inspired by this color plate in "The Panzerkampfwagen III at War".

Since this GB is for vintage armor kits, I figured go for that "vintage" look on the build....the look I aspired to when I was a teen back in the 70s when my modeling heroes were Shep Paine and Francois Verlinden.  So I held back with the weathering - no chipping, scratching, pastels, pigments, dot-filtering, color modulation, know - all the newer techniques of armor weathering.  I decided to stick with just the basics.  Basecoat and camo done with Tamiya acrylics, a couple of applications of oil washes, some postshading  and dusting with more Tamiya acrylics and finally some basic drybrushing.  I know there are many who think this type of finish is not accurate, not dirty enough, but what the hey...its my tank and I'll finish it how I want!

Anyway, I really like how it turned out.  This is probably closer to the "vintage" look than anything I've ever done, recently and looong before.  Its amazing how a decent paint job can turn an "old timer" like this into something worth displaying!  I hope you like it!

BTW I fixed those broken vinyl tracks with staples and they worked pretty good!  Don't know why but the tracks shrank quite a bit after painting!  I could barely get them on...before painting they were a little loose.   You can see how much they're stretching at the sprocket.  Also I added little strips of clear plastic tinted light green to represent the armored glass in the cupola view slits.  You can see a little bit of one in photo #5


Last Armor Build - 1/35 Dragon M-26A1, 1/35 Emhar Mk.IV Female


Last Aircraft Builds - Hobby Boss 1/72 F4F Wildcat & FW-190A8


  • Member since
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  • From: Sydney, Australia
Posted by Phil_H on Monday, September 8, 2008 9:23 PM

Hey Bufflehead,

That looks great with the paint on. Big Smile [:D] Nice camo work.

Another alternative you may consider for repairing the tracks is "invisible" sewing thread. It's thin clear (well sort of) nylon thread which blends in with the background.

  • Member since
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  • From: NJ
Posted by JMart on Monday, September 8, 2008 7:48 PM
fantastic paint job! really good...and what a mess about the tracks! sorry to hear that... maybe black thread better than stapling, I try stapling my last old tamiya build, staple really stood out. I should have put the stapled portion on the bottom and then cover the staple with mud. good luck!



  • Member since
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  • From: Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Posted by mmc on Monday, September 8, 2008 9:09 AM


I love it, I want one, fantastic paint job, been well worth the wait. What a p****r about the track, hope you can save them.

The details are amazing, I'm in awe, superb build bufflehead.


  • Member since
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  • From: San Francisco Bay Area
Posted by bufflehead on Monday, September 8, 2008 12:15 AM

Well guys, I managed to clean up the workdesk enough to snap a few quick photos of the Pz III.  Markings are finally done (I managed to screw them up a couple of times) and I toned down the gloss finish enough for photos. 

without the schurzen:

wheelie things ready for weathering:

Everything was going OK until......DISASTER STRUCK!!!! Shock [:O]Shock [:O]

I pinned the tracks to cardboard and took them outside to paint (used a lacquer based rattle can).  I left them in direct sun hoping the heat would soften the tracks and straighten out a little.  Stupid me forgot about them for a couple of hours and when I checked, the wind had blown them under a tree, where they had ripped apart!!  Shock [:O]Boohoo [BH]  Fortunately, I think I can staple the broken pieces together and still use them...the schurzen will hide most of the track anyway!!  I'm so glad I decided to use the schurzen!!  Anyway I just need to give it some pin washes and final weathering and fix those tracks and she's done!


Last Armor Build - 1/35 Dragon M-26A1, 1/35 Emhar Mk.IV Female


Last Aircraft Builds - Hobby Boss 1/72 F4F Wildcat & FW-190A8


  • Member since
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  • From: Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Posted by mmc on Friday, September 5, 2008 9:18 AM

Know the feeling there bufflehead, something always seems to crop up.Looking forward to seeing your III.


  • Member since
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  • From: San Francisco Bay Area
Posted by bufflehead on Thursday, September 4, 2008 9:55 AM

Hey Panther F, I'm glad you're still posting here!  Yeah, watch those ancient decals...I tried to use some old Italeri decals recently and they practically disintegrated when I moved them into position!! Sigh [sigh]  Hope to see some photos soon!

I've been steadily working on my Pz III, just haven't had the time to take photos.  Most of the decals are on; I have to make a tape stencil for one of the markings that I don't have a decal for.  I made some boo-boos Black Eye [B)] along the way, but its getting there.  I MIGHT finish it this weekend, but that's probably wishful thinking! Whistling [:-^]


Last Armor Build - 1/35 Dragon M-26A1, 1/35 Emhar Mk.IV Female


Last Aircraft Builds - Hobby Boss 1/72 F4F Wildcat & FW-190A8


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  • From: Indiana U.S.A.
Posted by Panther F on Wednesday, September 3, 2008 3:37 PM
A week has gone by and another day off.  I think I'll work on those 42 year old decals tomorrow and see if they'll still work.  Confused [%-)]  Could be fun.  Dead [xx(]
  • Member since
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  • From: Indiana U.S.A.
Posted by Panther F on Thursday, August 28, 2008 4:17 PM

Well, did nothing on the Vintage Armor Kit GB that is.  I did lay some paint down on another group build I'm in, but that only took a few minutes.  I did take a moment to think about what to use in the next GB, but then I decided that was too much to think about!  Whistling [:-^]

I needed a day where I did almost nothing at all but some down time for me and my dogs.  Pretty hot out so we took a ride and just soaked up some A/C all day.  Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

  • Member since
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  • From: NJ
Posted by JMart on Thursday, August 28, 2008 3:44 PM

bufflehead - I really like it so far, many great ideas for the schurzen tweaks.

mark - love the pics! The outdoor ones specially, really looks nice...  and kudos on the figures... I know they are hard to paint in a convicing manner, of course *I* never have a problem with figs... I bagged 'em and put in the spares box, no problem! ;)  One day I will attempt to paint figures...

Panther - that is why I always have more than one build on my bench! In case I have an off day, hour or 20 min and want to do SOMETHING on the work bench! Summer is the worst, high humidity, takes 2-3 days for ANYTHING to dry..paint, future, dullcote.... spray..wait 3 days...spray another thin coat...wait 3 days.. lol





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  • From: Indiana U.S.A.
Posted by Panther F on Thursday, August 28, 2008 1:51 PM
Well, I had the day off today and did NOTHING,  Zzz [zzz]  except watch the paint dry on the Churchill some more and surf the forums.  I do hope everyone learned that super glue and modeling don't work well (that blows) with each other.  Grumpy [|(]  The second half of the build will be the most challenging for me for I haven't really done any serious dio's before.  Yuck [yuck]
  • Member since
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  • From: Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Posted by mmc on Thursday, August 28, 2008 8:36 AM

Hello all.

redleg12: It's been a great experience for me to share my 2 little builds with everyone, I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone for making my first GB a pleasure to take part in. Can't wait till the Red Storm on the Reich GB is due to start.

bufflehead: You're right that shadow does look like a Panzer IV!! Big Smile [:D]. I'll post some pics of the dio once I get round to doing it. Looking forward to seeing that III of your's.

G.A.modelmaker: Sorry to read about your mishap, such a p****r.

Looking forward to seeing all the other builds, thanks again, had great fun.


  • Member since
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  • From: savannah ga.
Posted by GA.modelmaker on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 9:41 PM
great looking builds thier guys. i still check in and see whats going on. but i do have something funny about my priest that i built. i uesd super glue and testors plastic cement and one more glue to put it all togther. and i went to pick it up the other day and the darn thing started falling a part on me. i got so tickled my sides began to hurt. well i saved what stuff i could use in my dodge 1 1/2 ton truck that i am building for the supply and demand gb other than that its ij the trash.
  • Member since
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  • From: New Jersey
Posted by redleg12 on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 8:45 PM

bufflehead - you are doing the scrach builder a great justice. Nice job on the little details. Looks good in just ugly brown plastic....can't wait to see it painted.

mmc - love the little 6 lb gun. I love the outdoor pic and the research photo. Looks good with the figs. It has been great watching the two guns you have built.

panther - Hey in 1966 most of these were build and run on the carpet to destruction. There were no details or precision. What you are doing is proof that it is the modeler that makes the model look good not the quality of the kit.

Sorry to all I have not been here the past week. Off on buisness. Trying to catch up on everything in all the forums. But......I'MM BACK

Rounds Complete!!

"The Moral High Ground....A Great Place to Emplace Artillery."

  • Member since
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  • From: Indiana U.S.A.
Posted by Panther F on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 7:01 PM

Nice work on the detail with the PIII bufflehead.  Thumbs Up [tup]  That is pretty slick work.  Yeah, I know all about the PIV road wheels, I'm building a Brummbar in another group build at ArmoramA.  Just got the primer on it and a base color coat on the Churchill last night. 

I think the real pain on those 22 wheels was they didn't line up, so I had to re-drill a straighter hole for all of them.  Dead [xx(]  But hey, we're talking about 1966 here. 

Post some pics of that camo when you can.  Too bad it'll hide all the extra work you did.

  • Member since
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  • From: San Francisco Bay Area
Posted by bufflehead on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 2:17 PM

mmc - I like what your doing with the 6 pounder and figures, that last B&W photo is great!  However in photo #6 there is a problem....the crew is pointing the 6 pounder between those two trees when they should be aiming for that Panzer Mark IV to the right!!  Well....that shadow between the trees and the fence LOOKS like a Pz IV!!   OK, I've got a vivid imagination......Propeller [8-]

Panther F - Dude I feel your pain with those roadwheels!  22 is a lot, but try a Pz IV (I like Pz IVs!!)....they've got 32!!  Wish I could help with the figs, but I know almost nothing about 1/48 scale kits.  Anyway, hope to see the results of your hard work soon!  I haven't seen a Churchill posted in quite a while.

To update my Tamiya Pz III....its already painted with camo. I want to get the markings on before posting photos.  Maybe tomorrow?


Last Armor Build - 1/35 Dragon M-26A1, 1/35 Emhar Mk.IV Female


Last Aircraft Builds - Hobby Boss 1/72 F4F Wildcat & FW-190A8


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  • From: Indiana U.S.A.
Posted by Panther F on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 11:40 AM

Just about ready for paint on mine after sanding and gluing 22 dolly wheels.  Censored [censored]

I posted a question in the figures section and at this point I really want to replace the 1/48th scale figures.  They should be WWII British Infantrymen and if I can't get any in time I'll just leave them out of the build. 

They are just too plain looking and the mold likes are pretty thick.

  • Member since
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  • From: Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Posted by mmc on Thursday, August 21, 2008 10:01 AM

Hello everyone.

bufflehead: I am in awe, your Panzer III is amazing, I love the little scratch details, can't wait to see it all done, fantastic work.

I've finally finished the 6 Pounder and the figures that came with the kit. The moulding on them was terrible, after a couple of coats of Vallejo English Uniform the details became very hard to see. The date on the box says 1970,and looking at the results you can tell they are old.

I took a few more pics, with a bit more light, so here goes







bufflehead: I came across a photo of a 6 Pounder in France which gave me the idea for doing the 6 Pounder for this GB.


I plan to make a dio along the lines of the photo.



  • Member since
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  • From: San Francisco Bay Area
Posted by bufflehead on Thursday, August 21, 2008 2:07 AM

mmc - your 6 pounder is looking pretty good!  Those photos COULD use a little more light as mentioned, but I can still make out the general details!   Yep, and an AB would make painting really nice!!  You mentioned figs, but are you going to put them all on a dio or base?

 Phil_H wrote:
Hey there bufflehead. Great work on the ancient PzIII kit - and to think it had been destined for the spares/scrap box. Cool [8D]

Tell me about it Phil!!  I didn't expect to be working on this kit and am delightfully surprised to find out that its not that bad a kit! 

So here it is, ready for paint!  I was sorely tempted to scratchbuild the schurzen, but decided to keep within the spirit of the GB and used the kit parts instead.  The turret schurzen was not altered, but the hull schurzen was waaay too thick so I thinned them by about 70%, so they could look more in-scale.  Now I have to figure out what paint scheme for the darn thing!



Last Armor Build - 1/35 Dragon M-26A1, 1/35 Emhar Mk.IV Female


Last Aircraft Builds - Hobby Boss 1/72 F4F Wildcat & FW-190A8


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  • From: NJ
Posted by JMart on Monday, August 18, 2008 7:22 PM

bufflehead - thanks for the info!

Mark - yes, AB will be much better.. I got one when I got back into the hobby last year... at first, I just use it for priming and large surfaces as I learn more. Do some searches and research, many options out there... also, you have to figure out if you need (and can afford) a paint hood/fume hood. They can be pricey (on both sides of the pond!) but a must if you model indoors and you have little ones in the house...




  • Member since
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  • From: Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Posted by mmc on Monday, August 18, 2008 7:11 AM

You're right about the pics redleg, think I'll try a few more along with the figures.


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  • From: New Jersey
Posted by redleg12 on Monday, August 18, 2008 6:08 AM

MMC - Pictures are a little dark so it is hard to tell on the pain, but looks good so far. Waiting to see with the figs.

As far as an will open a new world for you. If you are enjoying model may be time....think of it this way....4 months until Christmas...makes a great gift!!

I'll keep an eye for your updates!

Rounds Complete!!

"The Moral High Ground....A Great Place to Emplace Artillery."

  • Member since
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  • From: Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Posted by mmc on Thursday, August 14, 2008 4:15 AM

Hello all.

Went back to work this week so haven't had much time to post any updates.

Redleg12 thanks for the vote of confidenceThumbs Up [tup].

Well my 6 pounder is almost done, it's all painted and has recieved a little weathering. It's been a very nice kit, ideal for a novice ( like me!!! ). I've started to paint the 3 figures that come with the kit, not sure if I'm going to add them, as the moulding is very rough. Anyway here's the pics:




I'm quite pleased with how the kit has turned out, although I think the painting could be a bit better, think it might be time to invest in a airbrush!

Will post some pics with the figures once they are done.


  • Member since
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  • From: Sydney, Australia
Posted by Phil_H on Thursday, August 14, 2008 2:44 AM
Hey there bufflehead. Great work on the ancient PzIII kit - and to think it had been destined for the spares/scrap box. Cool [8D]
  • Member since
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  • From: New Jersey
Posted by redleg12 on Wednesday, August 13, 2008 6:55 PM

bufflehead - Very nice details, nice cable work. Just think a great model and no indy tracks. You embrace the true spirt of the old modeler. Can't wait to see it finished.

mmc - Waiting to see your next work of art

soulcrusher - No problem with the posting....sometimes small is better.

Rounds Complete!!

"The Moral High Ground....A Great Place to Emplace Artillery."

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  • From: back seat of your car with duct tape streched out
Posted by soulcrusher on Wednesday, August 13, 2008 11:31 AM

Michael I agree with you that this group build was a good idea to get back to what modeling armor use to be. Mabye it is not the most populated or frequently posted GB but it is still a great idea. I have not posted much but I am about half done with my M13/40. Just no pics worth posting yet. it kind of forces you to go back to scratch building instead of these new hi-tech kits that leave little room for it. bufflehead's panzer is a great example of what can be done with these often overlooked kits. The BoB GB is tying me up right now waiting on decals that are taking forever to arrive! After that i plan on finishing up my build.



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  • From: savannah ga.
Posted by GA.modelmaker on Tuesday, August 12, 2008 4:32 PM
great clean build thier buffhead.
  • Member since
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  • From: San Francisco Bay Area
Posted by bufflehead on Tuesday, August 12, 2008 4:11 PM
 JMart wrote:

Mark - good going...another oldie/goodie kit!

bufflehead - very nice job, love the tow cable! did you actually twist it yourself, or what is your source of cable? The Su85 im finishing, lets just say my SB cable did not twist too well :)


Thanks JMart!  Yeah, I twisted the tow cable from 5 or 6 strands (I can't remember how much) of thin copper wire.  I tried silver wire, brass wire and even steel, but copper is the softest and easiest to its much more pliable when done!  I found that the key is to make sure all the strands are TIGHT when twisting.  Loose strands just end up messing it all up!  I put all the strands of one end in a stationary vise, make sure all the strands are separate and then tighten the other ends in a handheld vise (I use a pin vise or an Exacto handle).  Then I make either a RH or LH twist (Germans used a LH twist, U.S. a RH twist, etc) keeping constant tension on the wires.  That's it.  It took me a few tries and I'm still not 100% statisfied with the results, but they look a whole lot better than the indistinct lump that was originally molded on the hull!!

BTW, the copper wire I used came from some small electrical wire I found in my junk box.  I just stripped off the jacket and had 10 strands to work with.  I'm guessing its 32 gauge...possibly smaller.  


Last Armor Build - 1/35 Dragon M-26A1, 1/35 Emhar Mk.IV Female


Last Aircraft Builds - Hobby Boss 1/72 F4F Wildcat & FW-190A8



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