Before I became a true commics collector i used to read some of my dad's old WWII comics and my favorite was "The HAunted Tank". He even had the issue when the first tank [the Sherman] got destroyed and the commander thought that the ghost "Jeb Stewart" would no longer be able to communicate with him because it was believed that the ghost came with the tank. But it was soon learned that the ghost was "attached" to the crew not the machine. "War is Hell" was nother good one he had in his collection and it was like "Tales from the Crypt" WWII style.
IronMan, Spidey, and the Thing were my favorites and Dr. Doom is my Favorite villian. Does anyine know if they finally expalined how Iron Man when he got replaced by a kid from an alternate timeline returns to earth [from another alternate earth] as an adult with all of the older Starks memories?