Hey Redleg,
How about some update photos Redleg, I'm itching to see how it's going. You can then pop over to my house to give me a hand - it's only a few thousand miles! Crazy!
Patience my young jeddi........the weekend will be here before you know it!! This is not fast food.....it is a nice steak.....you need to slow down and enjoy it!!
You said you were an ex Army officer, apologies if I'm miles out time wise as this will make you sound pretty old but did you serve in 'Nam or did you join up much later?
I spent my time in from the end of VN until a few years after ODS. I personally did not serve in VN, but many I served with had been there.
Old is a state of mind.....the body is physically greater than a half century.....but the mind and the heart are still young......