Ah well, my wife and I came to an agreement when I got retrenched last July. She said to me.....'You've nearly killed yourself for 24 years working in that place. You don't need to go back to all that pressure right now. How about you take some time off, look after Cameron (our then 3 year old son) and I'll go back to work. You can relax, read your books, do some of the millions of models in the cupboard....'
We all but paid off our only debt ,the mortgage, worked out our budget to finish off the house (gardens, driveway, etc on an acreage property does not come cheap!), etc. Then she went out and bought me a new Aztek airbrush and let me buy a new compressor.
We are still on a tight budget, as she only works part time at the moment, but she doesn't begrudge the odd little purchase. I show my gratitude by not going crazy at the LHS and only getting what I need or what I want that is a real bargain.
For a married man, it can't get any better than that, can it?