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Shermie Goes A Shoppin'

33 replies
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  • Member since
    January 2003
Posted by shermanfreak on Friday, January 9, 2004 4:33 PM
Latch - sounds like you already have some of my luck ... good price for the Italeri kits.

Mark - all going to be part of the tour ... guaranteed.

FC88 - a rare day on the shopping trip, usually it's full price ... unfortunately.
Happy Modelling and God Bless Robert
  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: United Kingdom / Belgium
Posted by djmodels1999 on Friday, January 9, 2004 5:08 PM
Eric, Michael, Frosty and Robert, yes I normaly buy lingerie for Betty, not for me...

Although she says I've got a great body, you know!!! LOL
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, January 9, 2004 5:16 PM
Sounds like those old fur-trappers coming into town trading their pelts for money. With money in hand there's no telling what may happen!! Grab the womenfolk! Lock up the booze!! Gee...I hope Robert takes a bath more than twice a year whether he needs it or not!!!

  • Member since
    March 2003
  • From: Rain USA, Vancouver WA
Posted by tigerman on Friday, January 9, 2004 5:18 PM
LOL. I just wonder when you're going to build a 1/1 scale. It's probably safe to say Robert will never have enough Shermans anymore than Eric can have enough Tigers.



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