DOOG - it was a challenge because of the poor fits, but it was fun to build, acn't wait to do another WW1 tank. I look forward to the day the manufacturers come up with a kit that fits together better. thanks for you input, much appriciated.
ANDY - Glad that I have been able to enspire you to build a WW! tank. Give me a heads up when you are ready and we shall build at the same time. now that this one is done, I will be able to put my full attention into the Panzer III build.
JON A ITS, STAGE LEFT, MELCHOIR - I appriciate your comments, thanks for following along!!!!!
MARC - Thanks for the great comments and thanks for hosting a great GB!
BILL - really glad you liked this one, i appriciate the comments. Do you have any WWI builds? If so I would love to see the!!!!
TERRY - Thanks alot for your comments. Looking forward to seeing you in the Panzer III build!!!!!