I love the tank. Nice weathering. I am working on the same tank now just finishing up the added things like Alice Packs, etc. I had set it aside as I was trying to make reactive armour brackets that they tied everything to, but it got very frustrating with how small they are and the mold got trashed after awhile. I sat down Sunday determined to finish it. Your pictures give me some good ideas which I am going to steal, to go along with my vision. I have been using the same photos as reference. This is just a blanket statement and not in reference to your model. Many people don't realize that depending on what MPF ship they came off of they were either NATO camo or desert sand. When they got in country everything was painted. If you look at the spare road wheel on the ref pictures they are painted, probably in place. Same happened with the antennas. The pictures show a pretty quick wear of the Sand color. When I was in Marine Artillery I always thought the 5 ton looked like a hobo truck with the alice packs and sea bags hanging off the slides. Anyways great looking model and it will really help me with mine. Although I don't think mine will look as good. Cheers Martin