If you want a good reason for not buying it, here's one. There are lots of inaccuracies in the interior detail, some quite major ones. I'm not going to tell you what they are, you'll have to do the research yourself, and then decide whether your scratch-building skills/ access to the aftermarket / willingness to pay the price of the various aftemarket bits are up to the job.
Against this, if you have middling-good modelling skills, you
can sort the problems, and, as a kit, its great value. I bought mine in 1997, and paid GBP30 (the same price as a Tamiya Tiger , which doesn't have interior detail) for it in my LHS. It took me two years, on-and-off, to build it. Think, you could spend the same money on a Tamiya 1/48 F-117, which you could build in a weekend!
Cute and cuddly, boys, cute and cuddly!