You're right it does kind of feel like that. Remember Eddie Murphy? I got the ice cream and you don't have none...cause you're on the welfare... hahahaa
I'm really not trying to brag or anything guy's and gals. Just wanting to share and give my opinions on new releases if I get one. I figure it might help someone make a decision if they're interested.
No problem bro!! It is huge and should build into quite the display model. Have you seen VLS Custom Dioramics Super Diorama of the train station??? Imagine this sitting in front of that, platform full of SS or who ever manned the gun (I"ve not done any research to that extent
)... THAT would be impressive...but would require it's own room!!
Now who's going to release a 1/35 DORA!!!!!!
Order one from Internet Hobbies or somewhere. They've got them for around $76 USD right now and shipping wouldn't be THAT much!!!