Hey Bill,
Lots of AM there......should be a "smash" project. I have a couple of issues with the kit that you may be interested in.
- The engine access door handles are molded blocks, I replaced with wire
- No "open" option for drivers hatch
- Cammo loops on superstructure are .....well....they need to be re-done
- No "open" option for the tailgate armor, latch mech and assc. detail is soft
One other little thing, I'm usually very careful about fit up, I dry fit everything, but there seems to be a slight issue with the upper armor plates ......once set there was some interference with the traverse of the gun mount...just something to look out for. I hope one of your AM sets replaces the "muffler screen", kit option is the pits.
I see you are going for the replacement parts to depict the fenders at the correct angle. That should be really cool. As you know I bashed a driver compt. and scratched some open hatch halves for my build, really made the difference for me.
Like the rest of the crew, I really want to see you work your magic on this little guy.