This is enjoyable to read.
I have a small story. Tanks will know the locales.
In the late eighties I was designing (on a team) a State office building in the Civic Center in San Francisco. The design included an eighteen foot diameter State Seal over the main entrance.
We had the thing made up in Petaluma in a barn owned by a guy who did a lot of large scale models in the early days of Industrial Light and Magic. Star Wars stuff all over the place. For a number of reasons it had to be made in one piece.
When it was finished, a side of the barn was removed, the seal was loaded on a flatbed at about a 45 deg list to one side, and driven on backroads down to the Petaluma River docks.
There the rig was backed onto an LCM. Now, that boat's purpose in life was to dredge oysters in the Bay to be used for feeding the cluckers up there in the "chicken capital of the world".It had a sort of backhoe mounted amidships just forward of the wheelhouse.
To describe it as a smelly mess would be an understatement.
Four hour trip down the Bay to a pier in Mission Creek, where there's now a big ballpark.
Early the next morning the trailer was hauled up Third Street to Market Street. There the Muni Railroad dropped the trolley wires to allow the seal to cross. Up Third from there to Van Ness, and installed on the building.
Somewhere I've got photos.