i havent had any luck with Parafilm M and I have had several rolls since it hit the market. Some people get amazing results. I use lots of that blue tape and Tamiya tape....just never use lacuqer paint over the tamiya tape it will eat the adhesive and you are done in at that point! Been there done that!
I like to use poster putty as a mask and to hold parts to bamboo skewers. Just dont use it over Tamiya paint, it EATS the paint off! Grrrrr...
Here is another trick: Use plumbers white teflon tape to mask off parts, its super cheap at places like Harbor freight tools so dont spare it. it has no adhesive so its perfect for application to metallics . I prepaint my gundam skeletons and mask then slip the tape out. Works on legs that must be prepainted then a part of the costume put over that, , bleneded and painted...here ....
Smeagol on epoxy, there are so many different types. The liquid type either as a two part bottle or twin pushtube package is an adhesive, but the paste types such as Milliput, Magicsculp, MoriMori, Tamiya 2part epoxy, GamesWorkshop Green putty, or even regular hardware store stick putty such as that stuff that the really irratiting guy in the checked shirt sells on TV can be used to both fiar parts in and mount together at the same time. When I use these i make both surfaces rough, or drill a series of shallow holes for that epoxy to grab onto.
I have had the same expierience with Vallejo paitns no sticking even to a properly primed surface. I use Vallejo Model Air thinner, yes it sprays great but thats no good if it dont stick.
Build to please yourself, and don't worry about what others think!
TI 4019 Jolly Roger Squadron, 501st Legion