Well it's beem three weeks, and running without realising that I'm wasting my time with balsa - I had a few pieces CRUSH right in my hand while I was cutting, sanding, and shaping it!! GRRR.......!!!! This is why I haven't gotten anywhere, and why I've been dragging my feet with this project even after working on it for six years since it first started. MANY things have come, and gone including a loved one dying, and a pet dying in the same year (last year) a few life style changes that made it worse, and now I have more on my plate as my grandmother is in the hospital, and we don't know if she'll live.
I STILL have another project after this that needs to be finished, and other projects for friends that haven't been finished as they were started, but money, and tooling have made it hard to get any of these things finished completely. One huge problem is NOWHERE TO WORK ....and MONEY!! It's going to take at least ONE GALLON to make the top half of each fuselage in resin! That means two gallons for a full fuselage, and at least one for the wings, and thirty two ounces for the vault, and hyperdrive and laser canon bodies which will be hollow along with the tiny parts that will have to be cast separately as well as the nosecone, after burners, and engine housings. Landing gear won't take much, but everything else will take so very much resin. I won't worry so much about the silicone rubber it will take to mould since I can control its' application, and ecapsulation of the parts with reduction shapes so that it won't take more than truly necessary. I figure with at least the sale of ONE of these I can break even - almost. It will take two of these to make any money back. I'm not worried so much about that because I'm only selling these to fill a hole that no one else will! Plus I need money for a new computer so this will help a lot! Moreso I'm doing this to fill a need for the demand for this kit which no one has come forth with yet. But it's funny how I mentioned it, and no everyone either starts building one, and doesn't finish, or they say that they want one!
Any way, I'm figuring out where I went wrong which is only incrimental, but crucial to getting this right. The rear end where the FlakPanzer Gepard Tamiya kit that they used is what I'm using, but the measurement for the hyperdrive edge is where the straps are, and mine went to the outside of the fenders which is NOW too wide! This means I'll have to redo the R2 figure to a slightly smaller size. Along with using balsa mastering this kit has been a nightmare to do, and now I have had to take all the time I was hoping to use to build up the top half of the fuselage has gone towards fixing my mistakes! I filled the holes in the fuselage last night where I put patches inside last week. The outside bottom of the fuselage is where these holes are, and I filled them with woodfiller so that I could glue sheet balsa over them to thicken it. This will make a full skin so that glue will have something to adhere to.
I have to measure out the bottom of the fuselage, and where the top half will join, and figure out where the reinforcement bars will go, and cut my forms very carefully so that I don't have to keep cutting, and recutting as I have been using scrap to do. I went through the entire bottom half yesterday, and cut all the reinforcement bars so that this will withstand the weight of the silicone rubber without deforming, or having high, and low spots. The bottom of the fuselage is like a boat - it has a slightly convex shape that I have to sand into the formers so that it will align correctly once moulded, and cast. This is why I haven't shown anything since there is so very little to show that I feel comfortable with. I'll take pictures as this progresses, then post them (all at the same time) so that others will learn from my mistakes as how to avoid them! Please be patient as I also have to figure out the correct shapes of the inner mounts for each fuselage form along its length. This will be necessary to ensure the correct shape once fitted together with the bottom half. This IS happening albeit behing closed doors for the moment. I hate having to keep posting without photos, but I promise that what I'll have to offer later will be worth the wait, and it make the fuselage look easy! Please stay tuned for more updates - hopefully with pictures.
~ Cobra Chris