Well I dry fitted everything I've done so far. Just to see how it's coming along. So far I think its really looking pretty good...

but of course I always end up finding something that I need to fix...

Notice how close the top of the seat cushion is to the top of the platform... I thought about shaving off a couple of millimeters off the top of the seat cushion itself, or maybe even the bottom of it or the whole seat support... but I don't think I'll be able to remove enough and the thought of fixing those areas again brings on nightmares. So I am thinking of using putty to elevate the platform up about 2mm. But that also means that I'll have to preserve the control details on the side curve. So taking a piece of putty I covered the controls and allowed it to dry to take an impression of them for stamping into putty later.

That's about it for now... more to come... hope you all are enjoying this.