Thanks for sharing the build process. There are surreal moments when looking at it and I see show scenes superimposed upon it. Some great work there!
Out of curiousity what methods did you use to repair the areas where the paint peeled off? Whatever you did, the end result looked great.
I am eagerly awaiting pictures of the finished model. :)
Thanks for the kind words and support. I have most of the decals on now, will take pictures tonight. As for the paint thatc ame off, I had to sand down the edges, then resprayed a couple of layers of the base color (which was also a primer from Vallejo). The areas that were taped off, this time I made sure to run the tape along my pant leg before putting on the model so it wasn't too tacky. That was the easiest fix, I just wish I could have done something for the pylons that broke off during the build. I couldn't get the seams flush down enough without feeling like the pylons were going to come off again.