Give pooch a petting for me. What is he/she's name?
This is Jill
She's in the Kitchen "helping." We got her just before the Couf hit, which puts her right about three y/o. She is a nut. She's still not quite comfortable gouing outside by herself now the Jack is gone.
We are all coping, as best we can.
My Manx Loki, made it to 16 and passed quietly in his sleep in 2016
As to computers, I picked up a GoFlex external drive years and years ago (four desktops ago if quibblign were wanted). Weekly backups are written there. Along with a System Image, too. Normally recovering a System Image will fix many woes, but, in this last case, I needed a full O/S repair, which wiped the O/S slate clean.
Now, it saves all the existing files in an "mmm old" Dierctory, which preserved a ton of stuff from My Pictures and My Documents and the like. Also some critical Produc Numbers and Activation Keys. The working software was not affected i nthe Repair, but the "installations" were wiped away. So, some of it was just finding what to link the Shortcut to. Others, needed new downloads. It's been a mix.
Mostly, the larger headache was in losing the browser configuration and permissions files. To include a whole pile of embedded p/w.
The important thing, though, is that Nautilus is progressing. Has not developed zits, nor stirred up any apes so far. That has to be worth something.