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Pegasus Hobbies Nautilus (Completed)

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  • Member since
    November 2005
  • From: Formerly Bryan, now Arlington, Texas
Posted by CapnMac82 on Saturday, August 13, 2022 12:14 PM

It is quite the rats nest.

Might be a rat's nes, but a cool one, none the less.

It finnaly rained at my house.  Perhaps a pint and a half.  Other areas in our Connecticur-sized metro area had several inches of soaking rain.  Not so much here. 

The cool front has broken the temperatures though, not expected to get to 100°F until Monday.
Been a tough week.
This fellow

Went over the Rainbow Bridge on Tuesday, not quite reaching 16 years.
Been tough on the whole house.
Then, my desktop decided to Amber Heard the bed.
Wound up with a ful O/S restore, which was a major pain putting back all the things storeed in backups, but after reinstalling almost all the software, too.

So, a successful rat's nest is inspirng and motivational, and ust the tonic this week has needed.

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Saturday, August 13, 2022 2:04 PM

Hey Capn, a few days back I noticed NE Texas got rain. I was not sure how you fared. Thanks for letting us know. Glad you got some but sorry to hear it was not more. The weather is a bit goofy. I heard Las Vegas had major flooding again and parts of Arizona as well.

Oh man. That is not a good week. High temps and your PC went Amber Heard. Rebuilding a PCs software is a major pain in the tail. I have done it a few times. Particularly all things MS Windows and their endless updates. I dread the day mine goes kaput. I'd probably just get a new one. Its old. You are inspiring me to do some backups.

Give pooch a petting for me. What is he/she's name?

Glad you found solace in my rats nest! Surprise

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Saturday, August 13, 2022 2:07 PM


I lite the parlor and the "motor" room. The only grief I remember is placing the LEDs and making sure the light did not leak out of where I wanted it to. The PE "Stabilizer" cables in the rear were very finicky also. I used magnet wire (extremly fine) to connect from the sub to the power supply.


Yeah I suspected the PE might be a pain. I might do some scratch building with some of that. We shall see. 


  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Saturday, August 13, 2022 8:03 PM

1. I found an LED that matched color and intensity. The problem LED removed and replaced with a better one.

2. All lighting was tested followed by installing the decking. For best fit I glued and clamped in sections.

3. Cleats, panels, housings, and whatnots, attached. 

4. I started work filling gaps.

5. I won't attach the spear assembly until just before painting. Until then it will be too easy to break.

6. I mentioned possible changes to PE. I may explore that not because it is too hard to install PE, or anything along those lines, but that flat metal does not always project well for things like cables and such. I think on some of this stuff they would have done better to mold styrene pieces. I am shooting from the hip on that though because I have not taken a hard look at it yet. 

7. I will install the chains, screw, belly assembly, and gator housings once everything is painted. Doing so mostly for ease of painting.

Nemo shouts, "Slow but sure, sailor."

  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Saturday, August 13, 2022 8:36 PM

Hey! Backster! 

         I am sure you have heard about LONDON and BERLIN.The Thames is drying up and they are on water restrictions, meanwhile, the Rhine river is so low a lot of shipping traffic is no go, what does is only a third loaded. Here in New Braunfels,TX. we are on Stage Three water restrictions. Don't water your lawn at any time! When your number (Based on addresses) comes up, you have forty five minutes with a garden hose only, No sprinklers, Period! Ours partially died out thirteen years ago and except the occassional handful of seed just before a rain that's all we do. If the H.O.A. doesn't like it, they can pay, to re-sod our lawn! at least it's a greenish brown because of the invasive native grasses!

        Now getting back to the Nautilus! She's looking okay for sure. You've got a lot stuffed in there! Wouldn't it be funny if someone came across a design that had a top fin like a Megalodon or a very,very, Big Whale! Considering what Nemo did with her I guess Megalodon would fit!

        Our Manx, Max crossed that same bridge four days ago. I didn't know about it till my Landlady and her daughter told me the following morning. As cats he was old! Fourteen! I will miss his Forehead Bumps ( no Fistbumps for him) look ya straight in the eye and Bump your forehead before you knew what he was up to!

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Saturday, August 13, 2022 10:09 PM


"Went over the Rainbow Bridge on Tuesday, not quite reaching 16 years"

Holy hell, Capn. I totally missed this in your message. I thought you were posting a picture for the sake of sharing your pet. i didn't see he/she passed. I am SO SORRY for your loss. 16 years is a long time and that only makes it harder. I have been through two of these in the last four years and both were around 18 years old. Man... it was heart wrenching. I won't say more. Just that I am sorry, and hang in there. Time will make it easier. It takes time.

You DID have a bad week.


  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Saturday, August 13, 2022 10:14 PM

"Our Manx, Max crossed that same bridge four days ago. I didn't know about it till my Landlady and her daughter told me the following morning. As cats he was old! Fourteen! I will miss his Forehead Bumps ( no Fistbumps for him) look ya straight in the eye and Bump your forehead before you knew what he was up to!"


Sorry for your loss too, TB. The two pets I lost were cats too and I still miss them dearly. I might be adopting another one but the jury is still out on that.

Updated: That sucks, TB. Hang in there as well. I feel for your loss. 


  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Sunday, August 14, 2022 8:05 AM

Hi Backster!

         Yeah,You don't realize how dear they are to you till there's a void. Like I said Sam is 12. She sits in a model Boxtop.The same one she started doing that in five years ago. She watches every move I make. Maybe that's why I got so many started ones in my room. They's funny too. I gave her a bigger, deeper boxtop and she knocked it down and went and got in the old one. Oh Well! She has never picked up a part that I know of.

          First day I had the ORE FREIGHTER unboxed, she tried it for size when I went to lunch. She decided it was to Narrow I guess!

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Sunday, August 14, 2022 9:50 AM


Hi Backster!

         Yeah,You don't realize how dear they are to you till there's a void. Like I said Sam is 12. She sits in a model Boxtop.The same one she started doing that in five years ago. She watches every move I make. Maybe that's why I got so many started ones in my room. They's funny too. I gave her a bigger, deeper boxtop and she knocked it down and went and got in the old one. Oh Well! She has never picked up a part that I know of.

          First day I had the ORE FREIGHTER unboxed, she tried it for size when I went to lunch. She decided it was to Narrow I guess!


So you had two cats? Max just passed and Sam is still with you?

Yeah. Cats love to sit it in boxes. If your Sam has a favorite, best not to upset the applecart. Lol. 

My last cat was a tabby, also named Sam, short for Sammie. I tried setting up a box for him on my bench but it didn't fly. He didn't like it. It is funny. Both cats I had would not sit in my basement with me while I worked. Theyd both sit at the top of the steps and wait for me to finish. They didn't know each other. After one passed the other came into my life. The point is, they both had the same mind about it. Their litter box was kept down there so maybe they equate the basement with their toilet! Lol. "Why is he sitting in my toilet!" Hence, why I call my work area the dungeon.

Sammie had a habit of waking me for work. If I resisted his efforts, he would walk around my head. If that didn't work, he'd walk over my back. Which by the way, I liked. It was like a back massage. If only I could have trained him to do that more. If that fails, he'd stick his wet nose in my ear. If that didn't work, maybe a nose bump to my nose. Usually, by then, I would relent. "Ok Sammie. Ok. I will get up." Which made him happy because that meant me going downstairs to make coffee and he goes and eats his nibbles.

Aside from a box, they love tissue paper. Lay a sheet or two on the floor and watch them walk straight up and perch on it. I never figured that one out. They had not seen the stuff before but they somehow knew it's good stuff, go to it.


  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Sunday, August 14, 2022 11:33 AM


       Yeah, Sam is still with me. When she crosses that bridge that room in which I sleep and Build models will seem very empty indeed. The landlady's daughter just Adopted a new Kitty His name Dr.Pepper shortened to Pepper. He's a real slick little guy. She said Max moved over so "Pepper" could have a nice home instead of the alternate!

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Sunday, August 14, 2022 2:13 PM



       Yeah, Sam is still with me. When she crosses that bridge that room in which I sleep and Build models will seem very empty indeed. The landlady's daughter just Adopted a new Kitty His name Dr.Pepper shortened to Pepper. He's a real slick little guy. She said Max moved over so "Pepper" could have a nice home instead of the alternate!


That is awesome, TB. You are a good man, Charlie Brown.

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Sunday, August 14, 2022 11:40 PM

The more I work on this the more I appreciate the beauty of its design. Looking back from the bow creates an interesting look. The facets give an almost modern stealth look to the boat. 

Tonight, more gaps filled. I learned something new as well. TB, you might appreciate this. Though, you probably already know this trick.

So, I used sprue-goo to fill some gaps. I sharpened a hobbystick to a fine point and used that to apply goo. But, as hard as you try, it can look a little gloppy. Here enters the tip. Using the brush of Tamiya Extra Thin cement I dab extra thin cement over the goo. The cement melts the goo further causing it to self level. You can use the brush to coax it smoother too. I can hardly tell that filler was used. It comes out looking conformed.

Below: I also started work on the bowsprit/spear assembly.

Lastly, I made a handle out of sprue and secured it to the belly of the beast. It will serve as a handle when I am painting it. After paint I can snip off the sprue. When I attach the belly assembly the ugliness will be covered.

You may notice I made cardboard plugs for the parlor. This serves to keep sanding dust out as well as my fingers. I don't need an errant finger to break something.


And that is it for this weekend.

  • Member since
    November 2005
  • From: Formerly Bryan, now Arlington, Texas
Posted by CapnMac82 on Monday, August 15, 2022 1:36 AM

Give pooch a petting for me. What is he/she's name?

This is Jill

She's in the Kitchen "helping."  We got her just before the Couf hit, which puts her right about three y/o.  She is a nut.  She's still not quite comfortable gouing outside by herself now the Jack is gone.

We are all coping, as best we can.

My Manx Loki, made it to 16 and passed quietly in his sleep in 2016


As to computers, I picked up a GoFlex external drive years and years ago (four desktops ago if quibblign were wanted).  Weekly backups are written there.  Along with a System Image, too.  Normally recovering a System Image will fix many woes, but, in this last case, I needed a full O/S repair, which wiped the O/S slate clean.

Now, it saves all the existing files in an "mmm old"  Dierctory, which preserved a ton of stuff from My Pictures and My Documents and the like.  Also some critical Produc Numbers and Activation Keys.  The working software was not affected i nthe Repair, but the "installations" were wiped away.  So, some of it was just finding what to link the Shortcut to.  Others, needed new downloads.  It's been a mix.

Mostly, the larger headache was in losing the browser configuration and permissions files.  To include a whole pile of embedded p/w.

The important thing, though, is that Nautilus is progressing.  Has not developed zits, nor stirred up any apes so far.  That has to be worth something.

  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Monday, August 15, 2022 8:27 AM


     I guess that Cat Breed has a standard pattern somewhere? He could be a dead Ringer for MAX! Appears to be the same weight Max was too! A Head Butting fool though! Handsome Boi!! Jill looks like she's a live wire too. Precious little dog!

 In ze case of da sobmarin, Youse is got the touch, dude! She's looking Rad! Yer ryte aboot the Contours fer sure!

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Monday, August 15, 2022 10:41 AM

Hey Capn-- I am glad to see you have Jill. That will help. Manx passing in his sleep is a blessing. With both my pets I had the agony of putting them down. I know the latter is most common, so I am not the only one.

I went cold turkey after Cobi and Sammie passed and it was not easy on me. For the most part I adjusted but being single and living alone-- a pet helps a person BIGTIME. I am nearing retirement (near but not near enough) and I would like to travel some. For this reason, I am holding off getting another pet. I would not have anyone to take care of them while gone and I don't care to store them somewhere. I don't have the heart for that. If it not for that issue-- I'd have gotten another pet not just tomorrow-- not today-- but yesterday. That said-- if God drops a cat in need into my lap-- I won't turn it away. Already, I have volunteered to take one from a family where a family member has an allergy issue. The cat may have some health issues and that has pretty much stalled things. But last I heard-- the cat got a clean bill of health. I suspect the delay is they are struggling to give up the cat. Which-- I can totally understand. If they keep him-- even better. The animal won't get traumatized by the change.  We shall see. It's in God's hands. 

It sounds like you have a good system backing up data. I have an external hard drive, I just need to get serious about it.

And LOL. Yeah. No zits, warts, warps, and angry mobs of apes. Wink


  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Monday, August 15, 2022 10:42 AM

 In ze case of da sobmarin, Youse is got the touch, dude! She's looking Rad! Yer ryte aboot the Contours fer sure!

Lol. Right on, Bro.

  • Member since
    November 2009
  • From: SW Virginia
Posted by Gamera on Monday, August 15, 2022 7:03 PM

So sorry to hear about the loss of your friends guys! Thankfully I haven't had a pet pass in sometime. 

Great work on the Nautilus Bakster. Good idea to blank off the fragile areas. I'd have put a thumb though the window myself... 


PS: I'll change the name of Sammy the Depressed Sea Lion. Didn't know you'd lost a cat with the same name. I heard a Sammy Kershaw song on the radio and just grabbed the name from that. My apologies... 

"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen


  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Monday, August 15, 2022 10:07 PM

Hey Gam, using Sammie doesn't bother me none.

Yeah and why I blanked the parlor? Yup. I inadvertently stuck my finger in there. No damage but that was the wake-up call.  

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Monday, August 15, 2022 10:22 PM

Since the going is good with spare time I keep going on it. No telling when the next shoe drops and I won't have time again.

Anyhow... after reviewing PE it looks good to me. I will use it without mods.

And tonight, I started. I have to say the front assembly went swimmingly. I enjoyed that. It did not fight me in the least. They did a good job designing that assembly. I love the achors. That is pretty darn ingenious how they did those. 

I also added some styrene bits to the stern. I had some fit issues but nothing I could not overcome. 

All I have to say is... I will hold my breath here forward. Doing the masking, painting, weathering... and then mounting... all the while hoping nothing breaks.


  • Member since
    April 2003
  • From: USA
Posted by keavdog on Monday, August 15, 2022 10:23 PM

I can't wait for paint!  






  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 8:23 AM


         Youse iz da Man!! That looks awesome. I think I will try to finagle one! That's breathtaking ta me!! Lessee, If'n I sell three Liners and two Aircraft carriers,That should do it! Oh Man, That is looking so much better than pics I've seen on line from sellers and other builders. Thanks Man! for doing such an awesome job on the Boat, and on the postings!

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 11:09 AM

Hey John-- that makes two of us. Thanks for posting!

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 11:16 AM

I think I will try to finagle one!

TB-- you keep saying you want one. If you like this kit as much as you do-- you should buy it. It is worth the money and I think you would enjoy it.

You know. I am beginning to rethink how I will mount this. I am appreciating this kit more and more each day and I am inclined to not use the octopus squid thing. I might mount it on a board and maybe just make a sea bottom. Just spit balling, but that is bouncing around in my head.

And you are welcome. Thanks for following, posting, and enjoying! Yes

  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 11:46 AM


     I keep saying I want one! I want an Iowa Class Battleship in 1/200 with all the Goodies too! You know that our wants always are way more just Wants. They may never be realized at all, they are still "Wants". At my age Daily Life is expensive being as how I was Foolish enough to NOT prepare money for MY "Golden Years"(For the doctors,You Bet!) So I work with what I have. Following you has been just like me building it!

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 12:17 PM



     I keep saying I want one! I want an Iowa Class Battleship in 1/200 with all the Goodies too! You know that our wants always are way more just Wants. They may never be realized at all, they are still "Wants". At my age Daily Life is expensive being as how I was Foolish enough to NOT prepare money for MY "Golden Years"(For the doctors,You Bet!) So I work with what I have. Following you has been just like me building it!


Ok thanks for clarifying and I DO understand your constraints. So then, I will keep building and you can keep enjoying through my build! Yes

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Wednesday, August 17, 2022 12:40 AM

TB, for your model fix. Wink

PE added, this time at the stern. 

This section was a little more problematic. A few of the cables were a little short. They would not stretch from the screw shroud to the locator on hull. Best I can tell, the shroud is aligned properly. So, to solve the problem, I had to elongate notches on the shroud. This solved the problem. But of course, the last one that I went to put on was the worst and in an area that I could not get into with my razor saw. I ended up heating my hobby blade and with the back of the blade, melted the notch longer. Thank goodness that worked because one slip with a hobbyknife could have caused a lot of damage. 

More PE to do. I think I will assemble the railings off the model, paint, then install them later. Same with the foot rungs.

Time for bed. The older I get, the later I stay up at night. Maybe it's a work thing. Maybe I don't want to wake up and go back to work.

Tongue Tied



  • Member since
    August 2020
  • From: Lakes Entrance, Victoria, Australia.
Posted by Dodgy on Wednesday, August 17, 2022 6:47 AM

So, so good mate. I plan to purchase one next week. It won't be a patch on yours though, because I know nothing about electronics.

Cheers mate.

I long to live in a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned

  • Member since
    August 2020
  • From: Lakes Entrance, Victoria, Australia.
Posted by Dodgy on Wednesday, August 17, 2022 7:05 AM

This was my girl until cancer stole her from me. Her name was Cat, short for Catastrophe. She was a greyhound and a rescue dog. She's been gone for over 3 years now and I still desperately miss her.

I long to live in a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Wednesday, August 17, 2022 9:59 AM


So, so good mate. I plan to purchase one next week. It won't be a patch on yours though, because I know nothing about electronics.

Cheers mate.


Hey Ferg, it doesn't need all the frills I am putting into this to make it good. You can make a beautiful model nonetheless.  

Glad to hear you are getting one! Once you build it I want to see pics. 

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Wednesday, August 17, 2022 10:17 AM


This was my girl until cancer stole her from me. Her name was Cat, short for Catastrophe. She was a greyhound and a rescue dog. She's been gone for over 3 years now and I still desperately miss her.


Cat looks like a sweet girl, for sure. It breaks my heart to see us lose them.

BTW. I have seen a person speak on the subject of pets and the afterlife. Interestingly, the speakers first name is Kat. Kat claims that from young on she has been taken into heaven  thousands of times and that the purpose of this is so that we can get a glimpse of what awaits. It is her commission in life to share that info. Up to the reader to believe or not believe, but what is interesting is she claims all our pets go to heaven and that they await their owners that go there. But, they are not just sitting and waiting, they are playing, and having the time of their lives. She also said to prepare yourself because our pets will talk to us.

Something to ponder. 

Please no wars from people on this subject and post. I am not preaching, just stating what this lady said. Believe it, not believe it, up to you. Let's leave it at that.



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