anthony2779 - Many thanks for your kind compliments!
ddp59 - I still don't get it about the gap. Can you locate it in the picture? As for those engraved lines, 'subfixzer' has suggested that the builder "couldn't have known about those cad lines on the hull that were not supposed to be there", and that's the case.
sumter III - Thanks so much for your kind words! You've been building this one for 6 months?, how many more months do you think it will take? I have seen your pictures of the real Nagato, I think it's OK not to do anything with those CAD lines because the real ship seems to have that same lines. But why will you build both the Mutsu and the Nagato when they're in the same class? Wouldn't it be better to divert your resource to building other ship such as Akagi?
plastickjunkie - Many thanks for your answer. I believe you and I've already asked my brother to buy .003 & .004 nylon wires for me from shops near his office. Using a wooden base and brass or wood finials means that you'll have to drill two big holes under the hull, right? That may not be easy job, and I think the ship is more secured sitting on its own base - the one provided in the box - than on two poles (your finials).
Thanks again then!
subfixer - Thanks for the meaning of "ensigns". So the flags are at the wrong places? I don't know whether the instruction sheets suggest the points to put the flags or not. But I think it should, and the builder has followed the instructions. As for those CAD lines, I saw the real ship in the same class and it also has them. So I think there's no problem with them.
Thank you very much for your kind compliments on the build. You're right that "Niphon" couldn't have known about those CAD lines. I didn't know either!
The next three ships that I'll show in a row will be
1. Academy's Admiral Graf Spee 1:350 (Premium Edition) (#1)
2. AFV Club's U-Boat type VIIB + Voyager's PE Upgrade Set 1:350 (#1)
3. Revell's U-Boat type VIIC 1:350 (#1)
(#1 means 1 of 2 - I bought these three ships two each, crazy?)
They're being built by another modeler named "Toom". I hope he'll deliver them this month or next.