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Moebius Seaview 1:350 scale WIP

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  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Sunday, April 8, 2018 6:19 PM

Tanker - Builder

Hey !

That ain't a subarmaryne is it ? dat looks lyke sum poor byke frame


Say TB. Is that your way of saying it looks like crap?

  • Member since
    November 2005
  • From: Formerly Bryan, now Arlington, Texas
Posted by CapnMac82 on Sunday, April 8, 2018 7:15 PM

I decided to give Liquitix Gel a try

One of my favorites.

My old go-to, was base color, then tinting color in Gel, then a final gel coat.  This gives really good depth, if taking a large amount of time to apply, let dry, and repeat.

For 1/700 and smaller, base gets Kils primer tinted to pure black.  Base color and gesso to create structure, then a transparent cover using gel medium, adding tinting on the flay in the wet gel.

Sometimes this was sublime; soemtimes it was excrement.  Life is a blue meanie that way.

For 1/1200, this could be very cool.

Just my 2¢

  • Member since
    November 2005
  • From: Formerly Bryan, now Arlington, Texas
Posted by CapnMac82 on Sunday, April 8, 2018 7:18 PM

Tanker - Builder
mention a Bug - Boil ? Hmmm; Kin I bring my own plate ?

No, you'll have to sit at the table wher the boil is laid out, jus' like er'ybody else.  Smile

  • Member since
    July 2012
  • From: Douglas AZ
Posted by littletimmy on Sunday, April 8, 2018 9:38 PM

Far left: Phyto Green/blue, with two coats of Tamiya clear blue on top.

Of the four choice's , This one look's ok.... the other's are just not quite the right shade of blue.... to my eye anyways ...


 Dont worry about the thumbprint, paint it Rust , and call it "Battle Damage"

  • Member since
    July 2012
  • From: Douglas AZ
Posted by littletimmy on Monday, April 16, 2018 9:50 PM

Just a "bump"......

We can't have you falling off the first page.....

Also: I just managed to log - in , for the first time in 2 day's , so I figured I would "Congratulate" you on getting past the 25,000 view's mark.... 

Your prize ...... OK ... How about a Date with Alice

(That's Alice on the left ..... my wife Liz on the right.)

Alice IS a Model...... ( She came in 6 piece's ..... and I did have to paint her......)

Enjoy your evening together...... She dont talk much ......

 Dont worry about the thumbprint, paint it Rust , and call it "Battle Damage"

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 7:22 AM

Say Tim, thanks for the bump, the congrats, and Alice.

Buddy... you find the craziest models. Where in the world did you find such a thing? Don't answer that, it could be trouble. You are a hoot. Lol.

Alice was not too happy here last night because my furnace stopped working. A bit chilly in the house. And as you know, old man winter has not let go of us yet. We have about 5 inches of snow on the ground with more coming on Wednesday. At my parents house, about two hours drive north, they got 30 inches from the same storm we had this last weekend. They hired a guy with a front end loader to move it all.

Anyway... I am sitting here waiting for the furnace guy to call. Alice is glaring at me, pining for the 90 degree temps that you are soaking in. Thanks for sending her though. She don't talk, but it was good to have someone around.

I continue to work on the bike frame, as TB calls it. (Still scratching my head on that comment). Progress is being made on the squid. I need to finish the squid in order to finish the waves nearest the sub. Maybe I will post an update, maybe not. Just not feeling the whole updates thing right now. For sure, I will post when this thing is done. 

Once the furnace guy calls, I will take Alice to the airport for her return trip. Imagine the stares I will get doing that. 

Broken Heart

PS: Sorry to hear you are still having trouble logging in. Dang it.


  • Member since
    May 2013
  • From: Indiana, USA
Posted by Greg on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 10:08 AM

Checking in....

So I had picked the color choice on the right, same as Timmy. But that's going by a pic so you had better trust your in-person judgement.

Furnace failure, oh no!

Interesting about the Liquitex gel and even more that Mac has used it before. I think I have an unopened jar downstairs for a project that sounded good whilst shopping at HobbyLobby.

  • Member since
    July 2013
Posted by steve5 on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 2:41 PM

we got the opposite problem in aus , temps between 30-40degrees , that's 86-104 farenheight , I'm sick of summer . LOL


  • Member since
    July 2012
  • From: Douglas AZ
Posted by littletimmy on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 6:12 PM

I will take Alice to the airport for her return trip. Imagine the stares I will get doing that. 

                            HA !!!

I use to use her in the "Carpool lane" L O L !

Do I dare tell you ... it was 82 here today ???

She IS flamable ..... if you get too cold .... Light Her Up ! ( She will burn HOT !!!  But only for about a minute, so .... light fuse ...get away ! )

I found her in a Halloween Prop store, she's made of Fiberglass and Poly - urethane foam.

Took about 10 cans of Tamya Flesh color , 3 cans of Flat White, and about 4 cans of Flat Black.

I dont know if the problem is my compootr (probably) or on Kalambach's end. I am getting better at sorting it out myself..... only took me 36 hour's this time.

 Dont worry about the thumbprint, paint it Rust , and call it "Battle Damage"

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 7:03 PM


we got the opposite problem in aus , temps between 30-40degrees , that's 86-104 farenheight , I'm sick of summer . LOL


Yeah too much of anything gets to be too much. Question: Do you have a dry heat? Or is it humid? 

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 7:13 PM

That is funny about the carpool lane. Any double takes?

Leave it to you to find a model Alice. 

82 hey? Well, it is too much like winter here. Normally, this time of year, we would see blooms on the trees. This year, not even close. Ah well. More bench time.



  • Member since
    April 2016
  • From: Parsons Kansas
Posted by Hodakamax on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 7:45 PM

Hmm, I see the Seaview story is back on the air with a strange twist. This is why I check often. I'd hate to miss anything. What fun!


  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 8:17 PM


Hmm, I see the Seaview story is back on the air with a strange twist. This is why I check often. I'd hate to miss anything. What fun!



Yep--leave it to Timmy. What would we do without em.

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 9:05 PM

So I had picked the color choice on the right, same as Timmy.

Well Gregory, now that you brought it up. Just when I thought that I was set on a color... Timmy planted a seed. I was already leaning towards a green, but I hadn't gotten there. His comment made me look at the problem just, one, more, time. Back to the stores I went, on a quest for ocean blue. What did I find? It was the same old stuff. Nothing that remotely looked like what I wanted. Then I thought about doing my own custom mix. I went to Hobby Town, I was just about to give up when I came across something that Vallejo offers. It is called Dark Sea Blue. I thought, "No, it couldn't be this easy. Don't be suckered Steve, prepare yourself for another dead end."

I open the cap and squeezed a little bit out. I thought, "Hey, this looks to have a tinge of green." I must have belabored buying it for a good 15 minutes. I was sure that the lighting was playing tricks on me. I bought it, took it home, and I tried it. Yup--that... is as close as this poor sap is gonna get. I am using it.

This is a major change in direction from where I was first going, and what my vision for the build was gonna be. This build has evolved immensely. My first thoughts were that this is a fiction model, so why not have fiction water. This is why I was leaning towards the deep blue. Over time, that vision changed. I have no clue why. Maybe it was all the ocean seas I spied on while watching TV.  Anyway, the color is shown below in the foreground. Gloss is not applied yet. I did a little drybrushing (not shown) using white paint, and it looked pretty convincing. I will lose the depth that I got using the clear blue, but, it is what it is.

And there you go, a shorty update.





  • Member since
    May 2013
  • From: Indiana, USA
Posted by Greg on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 9:14 PM

Vallejo paint! OH NO!!!!!

Just kidding, going by the pic, the ocean blue looks good. I think your trip to Hobby Town paid off. And glad to hear.

BTW, as we wait for Timmy, I can attest that his weather in Douglas is most definitely a dry heat. No humididity in AZ.

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 9:23 PM

Thanks Greg.

Yeah I am more curious what Steve5 has for humidity in Aus. 

I tell ya. Douglas is sounding better and better every minute. Timmy might have a new neighbor soon.

  • Member since
    July 2012
  • From: Douglas AZ
Posted by littletimmy on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 9:27 PM

Just kidding, going by the pic, the ocean blue looks good. I think your trip to Hobby Town paid off. And glad to hear.

X 2 !  That Blue look's "RIGHT" ! ( What else followed you home from Hobby Town ???)

BTW, as we wait for Timmy, I can attest that his weather in Douglas is most definitely a dry heat. No humididity in AZ.

I'm getting better at "RE-Programing "  my rock with letter's on it ...... got it back online in less than an hour ...... This time anyway's .....

Greg is right , the only "Humidity" at my place is in my shirt ..... kinda around my arm-pit area......

But after sitting in my Dump-Truck at work ALL DAY ..... Other part's get "kinda Swampy".


 Dont worry about the thumbprint, paint it Rust , and call it "Battle Damage"

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 9:38 PM

X 2 !  That Blue look's "RIGHT" !

Phew... good to hear. I thought you might try planting another seed on me. Sheesh. LOL


( What else followed you home from Hobby Town ???)

Nothing! I exercised great restraint. They have an awesome U boat that harkens to me every time I go in. I always set my ears to ignore.

  • Member since
    July 2012
  • From: Douglas AZ
Posted by littletimmy on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 9:45 PM

Yeah I am more curious what Steve5 has for humidity in Aus. 

It's not the "humidity" that I would worry about in Australia......

Of the world's top 10 most "Venomous" snakes ...... 8 of them are in Australia !!

Here in my neck -o-the wood's only 3

The Western Diamond Back (we killed 4 last year) And the Mojave ( havent seen one yet)

And we have the Coral Snake. ( Not in our area, but can be found in area's 20 or so mile's away from us.)    We also have ...... Gila Monster's ( I have seen two) ... two different kind's of Scorpion, the Bark scorpion is the BAD one.... the other one we have is hardly poisonou's ( a bee sting is worse) , And the ALMIGHTY    BLACK WIDOW ! ( They are EVERYWHERE !!!!)

I tell ya. Douglas is sounding better and better every minute. Timmy might have a new neighbor soon.

Lot's of space around here......

Ignore the model ..... enjoy the "Blurry" mountain's...

Hope I didnt "Scare you" .... This is a really nice place to be !

 Dont worry about the thumbprint, paint it Rust , and call it "Battle Damage"

  • Member since
    July 2012
  • From: Douglas AZ
Posted by littletimmy on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 9:48 PM

They have an awesome U boat that harkens to me every time I go in.

I "gotta" know .... Which one ?

 Dont worry about the thumbprint, paint it Rust , and call it "Battle Damage"

  • Member since
    July 2013
Posted by steve5 on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 11:47 PM




we got the opposite problem in aus , temps between 30-40degrees , that's 86-104 farenheight , I'm sick of summer . LOL




Yeah too much of anything gets to be too much. Question: Do you have a dry heat? Or is it humid? 



down south  , adelaide ,lot hotter & dryer , here north , mid 30's summer time very humid


  • Member since
    May 2013
  • From: Indiana, USA
Posted by Greg on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 6:45 AM


Thanks Greg.

Yeah I am more curious what Steve5 has for humidity in Aus. 

I tell ya. Douglas is sounding better and better every minute. Timmy might have a new neighbor soon.


Oops, I got confused and thought you were asking Timmy about AZ WX. I can't comment on Steve's weather, never been there.

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 11:49 AM

Yeah too much of anything gets to be too much. Question: Do you have a dry heat? Or is it humid? 

Thanks Steve... very interesting. 

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 11:53 AM



They have an awesome U boat that harkens to me every time I go in.


I "gotta" know .... Which one ?


It is the IX C/40 (U190) 1:72. It is a huge kit. It would be cool to build. I resist buying it because of the price, and the likelihood of my getting to it in this century is pretty slim. 

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 11:55 AM

Of the world's top 10 most "Venomous" snakes ...... 8 of them are in Australia !! Here in my neck -o-the wood's only 3 The Western Diamond Back (we killed 4 last year) And the Mojave ( havent seen one yet) And we have the Coral Snake. ( Not in our area, but can be found in area's 20 or so mile's away from us.)    We also have ...... Gila Monster's ( I have seen two) ... two different kind's of Scorpion, the Bark scorpion is the BAD one.... the other one we have is hardly poisonou's ( a bee sting is worse) , And the ALMIGHTY    BLACK WIDOW ! ( They are EVERYWHERE !!!!)

As Hannibal Lecter would say, It sounds charming

  • Member since
    July 2012
  • From: Douglas AZ
Posted by littletimmy on Sunday, April 22, 2018 8:33 PM

As Hannibal Lecter would say, It sounds charming. 

I'm "sensing" Sarcasem , arn't I ???

What ...? Snake's bother you ?    You know you can "outrun" them  ... right ???

I   " H A T E  " Snake's !!!!!!!!!!!  But my Trusty 12- Gage take's care of the problem ..... it's the clean - up afterward's that "really suck's" .

We had a pack of Coyotie's close to the house last night , and now I have a Cat that's M.I.A.     We have our finger's crossed that he is just out hunting . But I fear the worst.

 Dont worry about the thumbprint, paint it Rust , and call it "Battle Damage"

  • Member since
    July 2012
  • From: Douglas AZ
Posted by littletimmy on Sunday, April 22, 2018 8:38 PM

It is the IX C/40 (U190) 1:72. It is a huge kit. It would be cool to build. I resist buying it because of the price, and the likelihood of my getting to it in this century is pretty slim. 

I have two of the Type VII Revell sub's. Yea ... They are a "Shelf eater" for sure !

Been meaning to get one of the Type IX, but I figure I better build some stuff first ... you know .... to make room for more    ... ( please Don't tell my Wife ...)

 Dont worry about the thumbprint, paint it Rust , and call it "Battle Damage"

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Sunday, April 22, 2018 11:32 PM

 I'm "sensing" Sarcasem , arn't I ??? 

Yes, and no. Maybe I like to live dangerously. Embarrassed Btw. Outrunning the snakes makes sense, but it's the ones within striking distance that I'd worry about. A 1000 ways to die.

I am hoping for the best with your cat. Let us know if it comes back. 

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Sunday, April 22, 2018 11:34 PM

 ( please Don't tell my Wife ...)

No worries. She won't be able to hear me from here. 


  • Member since
    November 2005
  • From: Formerly Bryan, now Arlington, Texas
Posted by CapnMac82 on Monday, April 23, 2018 8:51 PM

Venomous serpents and insects?  Doesn't sound so bad, not when compared to Houston drivers o_O.

Gila monster is a type of monitor, the "venom" is an anti-coagulent, this so prey exsanguinates.  Ratterls and coarals?  Fairly predictable, and will stay away from people most times.  Black widows are not nice, but brown recluse bites are very nasty. 

And, all of that still safer than Houston drivers, what with 3-4 lane change exits, total anarchy as to speed and direction (drove 609 miles this weekend, and H-town is a full magnitude scarier than DFW, which is right at the margins of sanity).  By extremely fortuitious timing, I was 45 minutes ahead of the Barbara Bush motorcade as they drove out of Houston.

BTW (and to be on-topic for a change]) the bayous were the color of equal parts black, blue, and sepia India Ink.  The ocean was a milled aluminum color, and the Ship channel a rather unpleasant gray-green-brown hue.  But, it was overcast and trying to rain.  No sign of squid regardless of dimension--unless they were Cheshire cat color.

Shrimps  crabs were tasty, though.


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