Where do you guys go to pick up stowage kits?
This is a bit of a rarefied market, so, there's not much to get that's explicit to the topic.
Riverine used gear in an ad hoc way. If you were doing a "school" setting at Dam Neck or Little Creek, it would be all straight-up Marine-style gear. For "in country" it's a mix of gear, Army suspenders and Marine belts, mis-matched ammo pouches and the like.
Crew gear will be M-1 helmets, typically without cloth covers, they will have either M-56 or M-61 flack vests near their stations (or donned if in contact).
There will not be a lot of packs, bedrolls or the like as those will be stowed below (even on a PBR). Items sstowed in the open are going to be things like coolers, mermite cans, round water cans/coolers and the like. Those will all be lashed down securely. Ammo, fuel, and water cans will also all be lashed securely. Doubly so in PBR, as they could do a 180º in just 110% of their length, at speed.
Camo nets were a random sort of thing, if aboard, they were neatly stowed.
Hope that helps