I am hard at having fun building the big HMS Victory that warshipguy gave me. What a great friend. I don't know how many ships he has given me. This is got to be a really great & fun build. I needed something after my son was killed & this has really helped.
I started it in late October & it is going well. I masked all the glue ledges for the decks like I always do so the decks will glue to bare plastic. I decided to again paint my own deck like I have before. The wood decks are nice, but I think a gray painted deck is much more like the real Victory. Here are some first pictures. Nino, Jim , told me how toreset my camera just like he runs my computer for me.
Masked ledges & thickened gunports.
Tamiya Deck Tan, gray, with sharp pencil joints , than 1 coat of Dulcoat / gloss & then individual wash of very thin black & raw umber.
The last 2 pictures are of the 1x3 x12" 2 pieces I will glue in the hull bottom to screw into for my base. This is a big model & very easy to work on ( I haven't rigged it yet),lots of parts, but nice to work on. I am ready to start cannons.