Hopefully this will answer your questions as to why the Sotar, Badger and T&C Omni all look similar as well as why American made products from company's like Badger are worth supporting.
First, let me say that I will be the first to say that "The Factory" in Japan does some very nice and precise machine work and builds the best machined airbrushes in the world except for the Sotar. "The Factory" is an independent entity that builds airbrushes and sprayguns for Iwata, Olympos, Richpen, Peak, and many others. Iwata Airbrushes in the US are distributed exclusively by Medea out of Portland Oregon. "Medea": A greek goddess best known for eating her own there's a nice thought! Medea and Anest Iwata contrary to popular belief, are not related. At any rate, Iwata is a well built airbrush and they work great until they fail for the first time, and the failure is usuallly catastrophic and requires factory reconditioning. The replacement parts cost is three to four times higher than American made airbrushes. With modelling, the failure aspect may not be as critical due to the fact that the airbrush will never undergo the constant and continual usage that the art field puts on them.
The color cup smoothness and attachment characteristics are irrelevent to the operation of the airbrush, and do not impede cleaning if done properly.
The Badger 100LG and the Omni were developed very independently, but are both direct descendants of the Thayer & Chandler/Charles Burdick "Fountain Airbrush" design patented in 1891. Badger Evolved from the Schlotfeldt Screw Machine Company founded by August Schlotfeldt. SCMS did most of the machine work for Thayer, Paasche, Wold, and Binks, so it would stand to reason that Badger Airbrushes would be similar to T&C products. Over the years, many of the parts on T&C (and other) airbrushes were developed and patented by the Schlotfeldt Company, and then used on the Badger lines later. At least everything on a Badger or T&C is legally implemented and used. The Japanese Factory has simply stolen and/or modified US patented components and guns. They even stole the name "Eclipse" as it was an American airbrush company in the 1940's. My allegiance lies with T&C and Badger for many reasons. First and foremost is the unparalleled customer service. Second, Badger/T&C provides many jobs in the US, and many American children are supported as a result. The Badger T&C workforce is a family, and the lowliest worker on the foodchain takes pride in their products as if the product was their own. The president of their company will take over any work station in the main plant while the worker takes a break! And on Fridays when he is not on the road, he cooks lunch for the entire workforce!
I hope this little bit of history helps shed some light on this issue.
“Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not
to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools
for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know
how to use knowledge is to have wisdom. " Charles Spurgeon