No worries,mate!
Unless youve alredy figured it out or got your self something else,,,
I had the same problem, just set it all up and start shooting. First Itried the single action, all fine but when I was gonna set it to doubble the problem started. Anyway, youre supposed to screw the paint-flow adjuster roll to the very right ( I think... check the wee not-soo-precise-but in chinese instructioins on which way). This I did, with compressos off, nothing happend as youve noticec. This is five past six, hobbyshop closed till monday. Now i got p#€/ with it and with nozzle thigt I got it all the way to the end of the roll and by accident touthced the trigger. It all started makin dodgy noices but when takin the feeder roll to the opposite way, no paint, but slight air commin out. BUT always be carefull with the nozzle tightness, its very exact and will have your fingers colored from paint leekin from Nozzle/airb. seam - too loose or nothing commin out at all or unevenly. Good luck!