I just got a Paasche D500 compressor and an Iwata Revolution TR2 (I love the trigger, btw) and I'm working through all the stuff I need to learn. I've read about different opinions about which psi to use for which application, and I guess the best way to figure out which is best (for me) is to try it out at different pressures. Problem is my compressor came only with this simple air regulator (bleeder valve) thing - just a fitting with a little screw that you adjust. So obviously I can't even tell what pressure I'm running at, the instructions just say "never run it without the valve", always set it to bleed, and to start it with the stem opened a 1/2 turn....but it doesn't say what psi that is.
So anyway, is there a rule of thumb I could use for this compressor (ie: how much of a turn is approx. X psi?) or is there a light duty regulator with a guage that I can get for this?
Any other helpful tips would be...well, helpful.