I have decided that waiting for paint to dry is a real fun-killer for me in this hobby. I'm already using MRP and that's sort of why I got the dehydrator, having lost my patience waiting for everything else! That said, your message recieved, and you are right.
I still have an Oster toaster oven that I bought a few years ago to use as a drying booth since we use one at work for the same thing on small parts that we paint. Shortly after buying it, I tried MRP...the toaster oven is still pretty much brand new...never used it. Wish I had been able to mix some MRP to make the corrogard paint I just airbrushed onto my F-4B wing leading edges last week, but I had to use Model Master enamels for that because I'll be brush painting the leading edges of the engine intakes with it. If I could have done that, I wouldn't have had to wait a week for the Model Master paint to fully cure.