Since coming back into the hobby after about 25 years, immediately jumping into a Tamiya Spitfire V, and biting off more than I should have by getting all the aftermarket stuff such as the Eduard detail set which includes the landing flaps, I've become obsessed with how to better do the landing flaps with the little tiny ribs, or any of the very small photo-etched parts.
Right now my "dream tool" would be something like a drill press, with dials or calipers, so that I could mount the flap on it, position it with the dials anyway I needed to, and "crank" down the rib which was being held in an upper arm by another clamping device, and position and glue the part.
Like I said, I've become obsessed about this in trying to figure out a way to do this better (right now I'm using "splinter tweesers") with thick zap and acelerator, so I would be extremely thankful to hear if someone has a good way to do it.