You mean a mess like this
I try to put things away as I go but sometimes it gets in the way as the hunting down for it begins. I do try to put away as much as possible after each build session. The desk, small metal cabinet and chair are from Ikea and work just great for me.
The small cabinet has all my paints and tools
In the clear plastic drawer unit next to my computer I keep all the scratch building things, oil paints, and other misc. stuff
and over in the closet I keep some of my stash (rest is in the garage) and other paints and finishing products. I keep most of them in small plastic crates from the Dollar store.
I'm lucky to have a mancave though small but soon to be upgraded. The wife suggested for me to take over the guest room which is twice as big and converting my present space into the guest room. Once I do that then I will have more space for a really nice and large display cabinet I want to make to go along with the other ones I have.