Thank you all for your kind words.
I'll check out the Me262 GB!
The nose was masked with the thinest masking tape I have around (0.5 mm), using the kit panel line as reference. First the white was airbrushed, followed by the red and the blak final line the last (with the necessary masking - the black line was the only that didn't used a panel line as reference - for this one I aplied a 1 mm masking tape in its place, aplied the masking tape right next to it, removed the 1mm tape and that resulted on a 1mm stripe ready to be painted).
I used Vallejo acrylic colors:
RLM 76 - Vallejo Model Color 153 (slightly highlighted)
RLM 82 - Vallejo Model Color 86
RLM 83 - Vallejo Model Air 11
RLM 76 was aplied overall, followed by the RLM82 (firt concentratin on the stronger spots and then fusing everything) and some few spots of RLM 83 completed it. All colors were aplied freehand. The frustrating thing was that these acrylic colors (mainly the Vallejo Model color range) insisted on drying on the airbrush needle and nozzle - I had to stop painting every 1,5 -2 min. do clean the needle and nozzle! Adding some retarder helped a bit but I still had to stop frequently!
The levers on the cokpit are PE leftovers and PE tree portions trimed and with a drop of PVA glue aplied on their ends to simulate the handles. The seatbelts are from Eduard.
I hope to complete it soon, but I'm still strugling to make a good canopy, 'cause the Revell one is one of the worst I've seen.