Congrats Max. That B-25 is sweet and well deserving! Twin props is a good category to increase your odds of an award. It's best to avoid 1/48 single prop as there are too many entries. Unfortunately they usually give the prizes to the IPMS members who throw the shin-ding. I'm not particularly a conspiracy theorist, but I've personally seen it happen. Thanks for sharing your work.
Hey Lawdog, that was at least suspicious that the local members and even judges won stuff. Our local car/motorcycle show allows the members to show but not compete. Not pointing fingers here, just observing.
First, Thanks to all that commented. My self-esteem has risen thanks to the gang! LOL!
I have no complaints of any kind about this adventure and judging. All observations. I knew what I was getting into from the start. Here's a picture of what beat the B-25 in the class. I have mixed feelings when I see this. I've competed in too many motorcycle shows I guess, I cover all the details of the build, everything is clean and hopefully exceptional. I always think innovation and try to execute the innovation and design. All these things make me somewhat competitive. The last motorcycle show I did, my highly modified vintage Hodaka took best of show. It was clean, polished, detailed and innovative. It was almost perfect to me. I just did the best I could and the competition didn't. This was not about me, but about giving it your best shot. I did what was required.
The model show is always a long shot for me. I go to see what I need to do to make my work better. I'm building models for my little fun model museum and yes, they are clean, just like a real museum.
I once got to see the end of the Phantom assembly line in St. Louis. They were clean and beautiful at least for War machines. They were in multiple versions and for different services and countries. The close one was in desert camo with Israeli markings followed by a mix of other examples. Cool stuff.
Again, just observations. No sour grapes here. Part of the requirements to win at the show was wear and tear, which I didn't get any points for. I did notice in the auto judging there weren't junkers there. LOL!
I must say those who won deserved to win, all way above me in patience and talent. Incredible work at the show and our Forum. I'm just along for the ride.