Hi folks. Well last year no one did a Secret Santa build, so I thought this year I would do one.
Here is how this will work.
Okay, all interested parties need to PM Me the following info.
Mailing Address (No PO boxes please):
City: State Zip Code Country (If Applicable)
Misc Address Info (County, Province atc... if any):
Primary modeling interest (Cars, Aircraft, Ships etc.):
Preferred Subject period (WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Modern etc):
Preferred Scale:
Now, when I receive the info for all interested parties, I will assign every Santa, an appropriate recipient, depending on as many common factors as possible. I will then pass each Santa the info for each recipient. Note that most people will not know who their kits come from until Christmas Eve, when I will post who sent what in this thread. If we get an odd number of people, I will ask if there is anyone who could do two gifts to keep things even. Once the gifts are sent, I would ask each Santa to drop me a PM and let me know what they sent their recipient.
The deadline for entries will be November 25. I will have all the info and will assign Santas by November 30. All gifts would then need to be sent so they arrive before Dec. 25th. The build portion of the build will begin on the 26th. All kits must be completed by May 1st of next year.
I will be designing a badge in a bit, and participants may start using it as soon as they send out their gifts.
A couple of things to please remember.
1. Do not send a kit that could get in trouble in the mail. No kits that contain glue or paint or any other potential problems.
2. You need not buy a kit just for the build. If you want to send one from you stash, that is fine, so long as it is a new kit, complete in a sealed box, or with the parts still sealed in their bag.
3. If you don't mind letting your recipient know who sent their gift, then it is Okay to put your return address on the package, but you don't have to.
4. If you are sending a kit overseas, then I will allow extra time for it to get there. Remember since you are giving the gift, mark it as a gift on the customs form so the recipient doesn't get hit with duty fees.
That's about it. Post any questions you may have.
Happy Holidays