Whoa, there! I like the enthusiasum, but this is just the planning stage! As I said before, even though I
initiated this thing, I don't even have anything to start yet! I guess we could make it sticky... It's just that I wouldn't really be able to join for quite a while!
And you have all my sympathies with the Bv 170. I must have been under the impression you had it already!
The price isn't much better over here.
And, last but not least, a
tentative list of who wants to join this thing-
-norite (definitly! Right?)
-Me (Duh! When it starts!)
-Filibert Kraxner (I said tentative!)
By all means, if someone wants to get this thing off the ground
now, I guess it could be okay. I just don't want it wallowing as a sticky doing nothing because I don't have anything to contribute!
I also guess people could just pop in and out as projects are started and completed. Has this been tried before? My only objection would be on how to finish it up, when the time came!
And I seem to have run out of things to say! Read this, consider it, and let me have your ideas!