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Gundam GB 2005 - To March 1, 2006

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Posted by jcheung5150 on Monday, January 9, 2006 12:35 AM

Jimmy Photobucket

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, January 13, 2006 12:16 PM

 FrogFoot wrote:
frosty yes block them out.

here's the GuAIZ w/ scratchbuilt blanking panels & exhaust nozzles added:

still needs some paint touchup, & i apologize if the shape of the parts isn't

accurate, but i think it looks better than having the undersides open !


frostySmile [:)]  

  • Member since
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Posted by Chatterer on Friday, January 13, 2006 12:52 PM
Looks great frosty! The panels look just right on it, really great color to the GuAIZ
  • Member since
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Posted by Mindless on Saturday, January 14, 2006 12:29 PM
Looks nice frosty. I'd love to see some bigger pictures though. Tongue [:P]

Anyway. A little update on my Strike Freedom.

I finished it today, at last, or wait... that fast!? Yeah, it really went fast and actually I haven't touched it since last weekend, so I would have had it done then, but decided to put it on hold (for various reasons), to finish it up this weekend. End result? Turned out fairly well I believe, I didn't really do much to it except change some colors on a few parts here and there and put it together. I'll be sure to post some pictures of it when I get hold of a camera.

On an unrelated note (well, not entierly): I ordered some new gundams last night. Two of them, both Master Grade. A 1/100 Gelgoog and a 1/100 Kaemper (Kämpfer) + various hobby supplies and some other stuff. Should have it in a couple of weeks, but then I'll build them for real with no visible seams anywhere and good details on the interior parts.

Can't wait! Smile [:)]

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  • From: Dark side of the Moon
Posted by moonwoka on Sunday, January 15, 2006 5:00 AM


This is my first "different" model. I.e. not planes or armor. So I decided to subassemble, sand and paint "single color" parts first, then assemble them. I think that should save me from some difficult masking and paint getting into joints and polycaps. But it looks, like some or even most of You are putting most of the kit together and only then painting. Is that so? I'm not sure also if I should lacquer the whole model or subassemblies? And what cote looks better on mecha - satin or gloss?

Anyway, I already assembled all the "light green" parts, blanked upper exhaust wings from the inside and painted with slightly lightened Humbrol "sky". Before painting I also painted some areas with Humbrol gunmetal and buffed. I hope eventually some very gentle sanding will result in great looking tear-and-wear effect. I also assembled "dark grey" parts and prepared them for painting. All I need is the correct (for my liking) color. I wasn't going to paint orrange and white parts, but head assembly forced me to change my mind. Two white halves of  the head result in rather nasty seam on the starboard side of the "antenna horn" or whatever it is. It had to be filled and sanded. And the filler is GREY Sad [:(]!

I am a very slow modeler, so month and a half looks like awfuly short time to finish my Ginn Blush [:I]

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  • Member since
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  • From: Dark side of the Moon
Posted by moonwoka on Sunday, January 22, 2006 6:23 PM


After some trials I've found that Model master's 2057 RAF Ocean grey perfectly fits for Ginn's "dark grey" areas. After second coat of paint there don't seem to be much work left. Final assembly, some shading and weathering (which is sort of  headache, especially when I see that superbly weathered model in the instruction booklet), touch ups and warnishing. Maybe there's still hope to finish it before deadline. Oh... the sword... I painted it Humbrol gunmetal and buffed. I hope this helps to darken the coat of MM buffing aluminium (don't have other metalizers) a bit.


P.S. am I the only one left here?

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  • Member since
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Posted by A Mejias on Sunday, January 22, 2006 7:57 PM

Looks like I'll be lucky to get my kits built by the deadline. I probably won't have time to paint or weather it. Still need to fix the spray booth. Man, I thought I'd have them finished them by now.

Maybe if there are others that are behind we could extend?

/.\\™ Al Mejias Webmaster "Original Sculptures and Model Kits of the Weird and Fantastic"
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  • From: NJ 07073
Posted by archangel571 on Sunday, January 22, 2006 8:27 PM
haha, it will take a miracle for me to finish my rx-79G...  still on like step 2...  man somehow working too much affects my models inversely as opposed to my bank accounts.  sheesh.
-=Ryan=- Too many kits... so little free time. MadDocWorks
  • Member since
    December 2005
Posted by Mindless on Tuesday, January 24, 2006 2:57 PM
I'm still here.

Two new models just got shipped to me from HLJ. I should have them in a couple of weeks, but I probably wont be able to finish untill the deadline since I plan to do alot more work on these two. Earlier I've had a quite simple approach, paint the frame in one color and remove any visible seamlines. But on these two I plan on detailing the entire frame and modifying some of it with more 'realistic' details and adding some weathering to them. I have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to do in my head, but once I get the models I will know for sure what can be changed/improved on the kit to make it look better.

Oh yeah, the models I ordered was a 1/100 MG Gelgoog and a 1/100 MG Kaempfer. I plan on doing both in a World War II theme. The Gelgoog is supposed to be russian and the Kaempfer german. I don't plan on doing a diorama where these two fight, only a base for them to stand on.

  • Member since
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  • From: NJ
Posted by A Mejias on Tuesday, January 24, 2006 5:48 PM

Did you check out They still have the Kampfer and a few other Gundams on sale.

You may be able to change your order.

 Mindless wrote:

I'm still here....

...Oh yeah, the models I ordered was a 1/100 MG Gelgoog and a 1/100 MG Kaempfer. I plan on doing both in a World War II theme. The Gelgoog is supposed to be russian and the Kaempfer german. I don't plan on doing a diorama where these two fight, only a base for them to stand on.

/.\\™ Al Mejias Webmaster "Original Sculptures and Model Kits of the Weird and Fantastic"
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  • From: NJ
Posted by A Mejias on Tuesday, January 24, 2006 6:00 PM

Looks good to me! How did you paint it?

 jcheung5150 wrote:
hi all,
here are some progress pics of my Gouf Flight Type.  not doing a very good job with the seams but oh well.

/.\\™ Al Mejias Webmaster "Original Sculptures and Model Kits of the Weird and Fantastic"
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Posted by Mindless on Wednesday, January 25, 2006 2:50 PM
HLJ already shipped the package so there's not much I can do about it now. And it dosen't really matter if I'm to be honest. I've never had any big problems with HLJ and when some minor problems have occurred, they have helped out in a really fast and smooth way. I've never really looked that much on eBay or Amazon because I think thoes sites have alot of strange extra-fees (at least some of the sellers), and they don't ship around the whole globe. So for me here in Sweden it's nice to have a reliable source with decent prices that ship all over the world.

I'd much rather have a local hobbystore selling these models, but I'm afraid with the tax we have here on pretty much everything, importing them would be very expensive so I'm sure a Master Grade kit would cost well above $70 instead of close to $30. I'm almost 100% sure that I'm the only one in my town that builds gundam models since Gundams (animes, toys, models, etc.) have no real market up here.

Really a shame. Sad [:(]
  • Member since
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  • From: NJ
Posted by A Mejias on Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:01 PM

Ah, for some reason I thought you were in the USA. Maybe it's your good English writing. :)

I've also had good luck with HLJ. But when shipping prices when up a couple of years ago I started looking around here in the USA. Now that the Yen is down compared to the US Dollar it's a bit better. I also look around eBay for some of the rare kits and once in a while I find some deals on Master Grade and Perfect Grade kits. I don't buy from anyone that has high shipping or has a history of poor packing. I've had some rare kits ruined that way.

 Mindless wrote:
HLJ already shipped the package so there's not much I can do about it now. And it dosen't really matter if I'm to be honest. I've never had any big problems with HLJ and when some minor problems have occurred, they have helped out in a really fast and smooth way. I've never really looked that much on eBay or Amazon because I think thoes sites have alot of strange extra-fees (at least some of the sellers), and they don't ship around the whole globe. So for me here in Sweden it's nice to have a reliable source with decent prices that ship all over the world.

I'd much rather have a local hobbystore selling these models, but I'm afraid with the tax we have here on pretty much everything, importing them would be very expensive so I'm sure a Master Grade kit would cost well above $70 instead of close to $30. I'm almost 100% sure that I'm the only one in my town that builds gundam models since Gundams (animes, toys, models, etc.) have no real market up here.

Really a shame. Sad [:(]

/.\\™ Al Mejias Webmaster "Original Sculptures and Model Kits of the Weird and Fantastic"
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Posted by Mindless on Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:02 AM
 A Mejias wrote:

Ah, for some reason I thought you were in the USA. Maybe it's your good English writing. :)

I've also had good luck with HLJ. But when shipping prices when up a couple of years ago I started looking around here in the USA. Now that the Yen is down compared to the US Dollar it's a bit better. I also look around eBay for some of the rare kits and once in a while I find some deals on Master Grade and Perfect Grade kits. I don't buy from anyone that has high shipping or has a history of poor packing. I've had some rare kits ruined that way.

Haha. I've been around computers since I was young (well, I still am) so I'm quite used to speaking/writing english.

I do tend to look around eBay a bit though, but as I said, I've never really been into it. Alot of it seems like a scam (which it might not be) so I've never tried it. And say something would get damaged in shipping (i.e. a package from a normal person like me or you), I don't think you have much hope of it getting replaced by the person you bought it from. So I'll stick to retailers like HLJ, since they would definately replace my damaged package without any added fees. Sure, it might take a couple of weeks more, but I'm assured to get my package in the end.Smile [:)]

  • Member since
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  • From: Dark side of the Moon
Posted by moonwoka on Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:21 PM

I also got my Ginn from HLJ - it was packed in a sturdy box with four "airbags" (a feature, I've never seen with other retailers). It was in perfect condition. Back to the build, I've done airbrushing grey parts, handbrushed black ones and assembled most of the kit. I only had to coat black parts of feet second time, so Ginn is still "disabled". I'm still fiddling with head, since it had nasty seam, which had to be filled and sanded and then handbrushed due to small size of part. I wasn't in a mood for masking this thing then mixing drop of paint for it and cleaning airbrush afterwards. So not only is Ginn footless, it is also headless. Gun is painted black awaiting highlits and weathering. I figured that using sword on things like walnut or Gundam might actualy leave some marks, so I used hobby knife to give the blade battered look.

When posing the kit, I noticed, that in some places paint is already scratched by other parts, this might give me some ideas for weathering.

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Posted by A Mejias on Thursday, January 26, 2006 4:12 PM

I'd love to see some progress photos!

 moonwoka wrote:
...Back to the build, I've done airbrushing grey parts, handbrushed black ones and assembled most of the kit. I only had to coat black parts of feet second time, so Ginn is still "disabled". I'm still fiddling with head, since it had nasty seam, which had to be filled and sanded and then handbrushed due to small size of part. I wasn't in a mood for masking this thing then mixing drop of paint for it and cleaning airbrush afterwards...

/.\\™ Al Mejias Webmaster "Original Sculptures and Model Kits of the Weird and Fantastic"
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  • From: NJ
Posted by A Mejias on Thursday, January 26, 2006 4:15 PM
I'm hoping to get the rest of the work area free by Feb 1 and then I'll have 28 days to work on the Turn A kits. Not sure if I'll have the spray booth fixed by then. At least they'll be built. Smile [:)]
/.\\™ Al Mejias Webmaster "Original Sculptures and Model Kits of the Weird and Fantastic"
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Posted by Mindless on Thursday, January 26, 2006 5:18 PM
I'm going to fix a better workingspace starting this weekend. I already have a spraybooth (home made) with a separate box for drying (in glass, very nice, also home made). Just need to put together the fan and stuff but that's not really hard since I'm an electrician (well, studying to become one). So I should have a new and more spacious working area inside the house where I can both airbrush and put together my models without disturbing anyone else.

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  • From: NJ 07073
Posted by archangel571 on Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:37 PM

Hey Mindless, where did you find the blower for the spray booth?  I just made mine at 20"X12" but have yet to find a place to get a good fan to get the fume out.  That $20 cabinet lamp from HomeDepot hit a dent on my budget for a home-built spraybooth, which is like 50 bucks with some additions for the blower fan.  If I were to plan 150 bucks for a spraybooth I might as well would be better off just to buy one eh?


-=Ryan=- Too many kits... so little free time. MadDocWorks
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  • From: Dark side of the Moon
Posted by moonwoka on Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:07 PM
 A Mejias wrote:

I'd love to see some progress photos!

Well, the problem is that I don't have camera. And I don't consider Nokia 6600's "camera" as the alternative. So when somebody, who has one, comes to visit me, I ask them to bring camera along...

Sometimes I think, that if I didn't spend that much on kits (most of them are still unbuilt in a closet), I could already have decent camera. Don't spend money on kits? Yeah, right...

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Posted by Mindless on Friday, January 27, 2006 1:36 AM
Oh, uhm... not sure, but I believe it used to be a cooker fan (above one). I'm not sure where we (me and my dad) got hold of it though since that was a couple of years ago.

And so far, I believe we have paid nothing for the spraybooth itself. I think my dad paid a bit for the glass used for the drying box, but nothing else. I'll borrow a camera from my dads work and take some pictures of it so you get an idea of what it looks like. Can't really explain that well since I have no real numbers when it comes to width, depth and height. But it's at least 20" high, 15" deep and 25" wide, so I believe it's quite big. You can fit alot of stuff into it.

I'll try to get hold of a camera this afternoon, so you might see some pictures then. Smile [:)]

  • Member since
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  • From: NJ
Posted by A Mejias on Thursday, February 2, 2006 1:05 PM

My GB Progress:
The work area is finally cleared enough to actually do some work! Last night I started on the Turn A 1/144 kit. So far, I finished the legs, shield and gun. (Yes, I build out of order.Wink [;)]) The cool thing about this 1/144 kit is that the legs and arms are jointed! Lot's of detail too!

I'll fully snap assemble both the 1/144 and 1/100 Turn A kits, then plan out the gluing and painting strategy. That way they are at least build by the dead line.

I'll post some photos later tonight when I've got more done. Let me know if there is anything in particular you all want me to shoot -- parts, instructions, tools, paints, workspace, etc. Here is where I'm putting my photos:

BTW, just before the group build I worked on a Master Grade RX-78-2 GP-01. I didn't paint it, but used various markers and pens to panel line and color it. Let me know if you want to see photos of it or any other gundam kit I've worked on.

/.\\™ Al Mejias Webmaster "Original Sculptures and Model Kits of the Weird and Fantastic"
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  • From: NJ
Posted by A Mejias on Thursday, February 2, 2006 5:18 PM

My GB Progress:
I finished building Turn A 1/144 kit today! Big Smile [:D]

It took a total of about 3.5hr. Build time was faster than I expected because I started using a new flush cut tool my brother picked up in Japan for me. It cuts much closer than the other tools he'd gotten for me.

Though the kit is pre-colored. You can see that it REALLY needs painting. It does come with some stickers but the feet and shield are really off. See the box scan here: for an idea of what the coloring should look like.

This is a really nice kit! I'm very impressed. Some minor modding can fix some of the shortcomings of it being a 1/144 non-grade kit.

Now on to the Turn A 1/100 kit...

/.\\™ Al Mejias Webmaster "Original Sculptures and Model Kits of the Weird and Fantastic"
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, February 3, 2006 6:33 PM
that Turn A is turning out nicely... a 1/144 w/ articulated arms & legs, now that's
a nice surprise !
here's my project:
sorry if the last pic is displayed on its side...
just a little more detail painting & touchup on this, & it will b done !
have a great weekend, everybody !
frosty :)
  • Member since
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  • From: NJ
Posted by A Mejias on Friday, February 3, 2006 7:34 PM

Looks good! I really like the color scheme! Are you air brushing?

My GB Progress:
I started the Turn A 1/100 kit last night. I got both legs done. This one should go pretty fast also. Thanks to that new tool, I have to do very little sprue cleanup. The legs of the 1/100 are the size of the full 1/144 kit!

I really wish they made a Turn X in 1/100 scale. That's another great design!

/.\\™ Al Mejias Webmaster "Original Sculptures and Model Kits of the Weird and Fantastic"
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, February 3, 2006 8:09 PM
 A Mejias wrote:

Looks good! I really like the color scheme! Are you air brushing?

A Mejias:

thanx ! this entire paint job is actually brushed on by hand, using acrylic paints...

i do have an airbrush, but i'm too scared of clogging it up 2 use it, so it just sits...

how lame is that, LOL  ? whatever, so long as it looks OK...


frosty Smile [:)]

  • Member since
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  • From: NJ
Posted by A Mejias on Friday, February 3, 2006 11:35 PM

WOW!Shock [:O] I'm impressed! How did you do some of the shading I see? Or is it just in the photo? What techniques do you use to get the paint on so smooth?

 frostygirl wrote:

A Mejias:
thanx ! this entire paint job is actually brushed on by hand, using acrylic paints...
i do have an airbrush, but i'm too scared of clogging it up 2 use it, so it just sits...
how lame is that, LOL  ? whatever, so long as it looks OK...

frosty Smile [:)]

/.\\™ Al Mejias Webmaster "Original Sculptures and Model Kits of the Weird and Fantastic"
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Posted by Mindless on Saturday, February 4, 2006 3:17 AM
My guess is that the GuAIZ has TONS of layers of paint on it. Am I right?

But still, it looks very impressive. I nocided some uneven lines and I thought: That wouldn't happen using a airbrush and masking tape, which made me think, did you really use a brush? Then I looked in here and, well, you did paint it with a brush.

Looks very good.

Oh yeah, a little update on my status:

Currently I'm (well, me and my dad) working on a new hobby room and a spray booth for the airbrush. My models have shipped from HLJ about 2 weeks ago so I should have the models sometime this week or the next. We'll see what happens.

  • Member since
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  • From: NJ
Gundam GB 2005 - To March 1, 2006
Posted by A Mejias on Tuesday, February 7, 2006 3:01 AM

My GB Progress: 
The Turn A 1/100 Gundam is coming along nicely. After 3.75hr I finished the legs, the arms, the chest, shield and the gun. Note the missile bays on the chest are open.


As always, BanDai makes great kits! There was one minor casting error though -- the first I've ever seen. Luckily it did not damage the part.


Even with a high quality sprue cutter you have to be VERY CAREFUL when cutting small parts!!!  Sad [:(]  I took a chunk of one of the fingers off.
Any ideas on how to best fix it are greatly appreciated!

/.\\™ Al Mejias Webmaster "Original Sculptures and Model Kits of the Weird and Fantastic"
  • Member since
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  • From: NJ
Posted by A Mejias on Wednesday, February 8, 2006 12:15 AM

My GB Progress: 
I finished building Turn A 1/100 Gundam kit today!  Big Smile [:D]  Build time 6.75hr.


Here it is Turn A 1/144 Gundam next to the Turn A 1/100 Gundam.


Now on to gluing, sanding and painting... I'll be using my new Paache H for the first time on these kits. Smile [:)]

/.\\™ Al Mejias Webmaster "Original Sculptures and Model Kits of the Weird and Fantastic"

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