Hello everyone! I just finished my first tank! Yes it is a tired old monogram panzer IV, but I mostly bought it to try my hand at some of the techniques all you excellent pros out there are doing.(note tank has not been dullcoated yet in pictures) This tank was a tank of many firsts for me. It was the first:
First Tank I've ever built
First time I've tried camo-painting something
First time I've tried washes
First time I've dry-brushed
First time I've used pastels and or pigments.
I didn't realize how "out of scale" the armor skirts were until I was "done" but oh well.
After reading all the back and forth about "proper" tank track colors, I really struggled with that. I still don't feel they are "done" but I was pretty proud of how the tank turned out overall for being a less desirable kit, and basically a "test bed" to try some of the popular weathering techniques. I am pretty sure I did everything "out of order" but I still think it came out ok. I still plan to work on the tracks further.
I primered (duplicolor white) enamel
I painted the base coat dunkelgelb using AK interactive acrylics (late war German colors)
I painted the camo "olivegrun option 2"
I did a wash of black using oils and "odorless turpenoid"
I did some dry brushing using brown, black, silver
I applied decals
I did another wash of oils using burnt umber
I did some streaking at the same time using burnt umber as well
I dusted the exhaust and entire rear of tank with black pastels
I added extra track pieces and tried to blend them in
I plan to further paint tracks and add mig pigments to lower half of tank and tracks.
In pretty sure I did this out of order. I believe the tank should have been decaled, sealed, THEN weathered. Oh well! Please let me know your thoughts, comments, criticisms, just keep in mind this is my VERY FIRST TANK and first attempt at nearly every weathering technique. THANKS! Rudy
[IMG]http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb407/James_Rudolph/PANZER11_zpsovhqo2vy.jpg" border="0" />G]