Indeed I am much improved but having to miss out of some Champagne at midnight last night has made me slightly grumpy!
These penicillin tablets are strong and I have to stick to the dosage like glue to make sure the infection is killed off properly (2 days to go) and also my bum to a toilet seat! These tablets sure make a good laxative!
I have managed to do lots of reading with my E-reader these past few days and left teeth marks in the back of the toilet door and scorch marks down the pan! Loo roll is currently being kept in the fridge and it is worse than the effects of a British army Curry!
I am not sure if you will have the time to age and rust this project as the aim is to build and finish in 12 days.... not much time left, but go for it!
Next time I will stick to the infection not the cure!!!!