Now for my two cents:
As for these figures, they're better than they're given credit for, I think. Assuming that Berserker is using a standard US woodland camo pattern as his reference, it's a difficult camo pattern to replicate in 1/35th scale - but he;s done a fair job of it. Also, these older Tamiya figures don't exactly make facial skin-toning simple, do they? One more thing: Notice the ammo belt attached to the M60. There's good detail work there. Hard to see in these pics, but it's there.
Now for the critique of these figs. Skin tone isn't all it could be. I might recommend Kalmbach's book How to Paint Realistic Military Figures, by Lynn Kessler and Don Winar. Not that mine are anything to admire, but that's the book I learned from, mostly. Also, try Modelling and Painting Figures by Jerry Scutts.
I notice that your figures have chin straps, but you've painted them the same color as the skin, so that they blend in with the face. Chin straps aren't easy, because of the fine detail involved, but they're worth the extra effort.
Now for the ugly part:
Harshman5, your remarks here have been disgusting and rude. Your own figures need some work too, you know. Let's not be impolite about it.