Thanks, Phil! Your previous work on the Pearl helped me a lot with the build!
Yeah, no lanterns...I fooled around with them a little, but I couldn't get a finish that a) looked good; or b) seemed to fit well on the I left them out.
Funny, for the past several months, I've gotten very accustomed to thinking about this project during my that it's finished, I don't know what to do with myself! haha
About the wooden kit. Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves....that Berlin kit is giving me trouble already....I bought some 1/4" plywood to cut out new keel/frame parts, searching through everything Home Depot had, and found 1 piece that wasn't warped beyond usability....two days later, it had warped, too! So, I'm thinking maybe this isn't the time to get into something that's going to frustrate me every step of the way...we'll see, though...I have a few other projects in mind (maybe some Sci-Fi figures, I have my eye on a Frankenstein and Bride kit that looks cool!)....but I expect I'll come back to ships again at some point....Truth is, I'm not much of a ship enthusiast, I just wanted to try a few out, see how it went....
Either I'll move on to something new (which is my style), or I'll find that I have the *bug*, and come back for more has been a great challenge, and I really enjoy the comraderie of this forum!
I really liked building a Zvezda kit, I wonder if their other ships are as good of quality? And there's always the Revell big Constitution, or the Heller Victory, or maybe a Model Shipways wooden kit, or even an old Scientific beginner wood kit....there's a lot of options! It'll be fun to see where the *muse* takes me!
Thanks again, Phil!
_~ )_)_~
Current Project: Imai/ERTL Spanish Galleon #2
Recently Finished: Revell 1/96 Cutty Sark
Next Up: ???