- Member since
July 2003
- From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted by zokissima
on Thursday, July 8, 2004 12:21 PM
QUOTE: Even if all of the above mentioned members did leave (& I do regret that), that would still leave about 37,000 of us who still like--or at least tolerate--the OT forum
enough to stay |
You know, that's exactly what's got me in an itch about this. I really hate the fact that some members have decided to leave, most notably ShermanFreak a.k.a. Robert. This gentleman was the first to welecome me to this forum, and was a willing help with anything I had to ask that he knew of! This is the biggest thing I regret. Don't get me wrong, I do not wish to belittle anyone else who wishes to leave, but hey, if you want to do it, go right ahead, it's really up to you to do the best for yourself. However, those decisions should not have such a direct, drastic, and quick impact on this great site. And a great site and community it was. The fact that all of us are expressing such great emotions over posted text should be testament to that. However, as of the quote above, there ARE thousands of members here, and I feel it an injustice to remove such a strong community tool that the O.T. forum was. There were many of us who used that forum on a regular basis, and it makes me very happy to see some of the higher post-count people verbalize against this decision. The O.T. forum was a wonderful thing, a place where one could go and take a break from the ordinary. I come here because of my interest in modeling, but I stay because of the people I enjoy interacting and being, on some vague virtual level, friends with. With my offline friends, I do not speak of the same thing constantly, nor do I relate everything in my speech to be within context of that one thing. It is absurd to think that any kind of strong community can be built on the premises that speech has to be within one and the same context all the time. That is what the O.T. forum was for; those of us who chose to share things about our selves/lives OUTSIDE of the sprectrum of modelling could go there. Go there I did, and a lot of fun I had. To a degree, I can understand the actions that were taken. And to an even greater degree I fully applaud and bow to the administrative team and the FSM staff for being so fully involved with this community. There are not too many places where you will find such a thing. However, I feel that you've taken a very basic human element and removed it from this site. The reason that the O.T. forum was such a great thing is because it allowed those of us who wished it to bond. Regardless of what could have been said or who pi$$3d who off, at the end, one undeniable fact was that we still had something in common; the love of models. This common bond is what allowed people to speak so freely, with or without fear of repercussion. All it would have taken was a little bit of thought to realize that we still have something in common, and we could still get along on that level. The forum discussions, and more notably, the games, were an amazing thing. I've not been to any other forum where I enjoyed forum games so much, simply because these games and discussions were reflective of the types of people who frequent this site. Now, I feel that I will not be able to connect on as much of a personal level as I did before, and that trully is my loss.