The mention of accuracy and the "what do you think of this?" in posts above got me to remembering a model.
It wasn't on here, but, it was a Skyhawk. The guy posted a finished model of his, and asked "what do you think of my weathering job?". I posted my thoughts about 5 posts into the thread,,,,,,and got my rear end royally blasted by a squadron of people that must have been good modelers, but had never spent 2 minutes near a real Skyhawk.
The reason was that I pointed out the boot scuff marks out near the wing tips, right over the vortex generators and front slat. The aircraft was decaled up as the exact same one in a Ginter photo, right down to the weapons load out. So, I explained why there wouldn't be boot and knee prints out that far on a real Scooter,,,,,,and tried to convey how important a Gunny would find it if he caught you "stomping around on my fuel tanks" (It was a Marine model)
after 15 or 20 insults about me being a "rivet counter with no life",,,,,,,,the model builder thanked me for telling him about those wings, and then in PM we exchanged "sea stories" about that subject, in which I told him what each of those oval panels on top of a Skyhawk's wings really was, and why you got screamed at if it even looked like you were going to step on them.
There are model builders out there that spent time around the 1/1 thing,,,,,,,I hope that I run into one in any thread I start about an aircraft I didn't work on or near,,,,,,I don't know who else I would learn from,,,,,I have just as many books as any other "book-spert" on my chosen subject,,,,,,just quoting from those is something I could just do myself.
edit, I started the slat thing and didn't finish it. That pair of slats that are so famously "always deployed when on the ground" could be in the stowed position. There are two reasons, one is that they sometimes held up there just by friction when a Ramp Roach pushed one up as he walked by, and the other is that there was a strap that could be installed to hold the slat up in the well. I guess you could stomp your tootsie's on a slat, but, it would either be strapped up,,,,,,,,,or it would instantly deploy when your feet hit it,,,the resulting fall would make me inclined to "weather" just that one slat with the colors Buttocks Blood or Back of the Head Blood, with maybe a touch of "Surprise Brown",,,,,,,we used to startle the newbies by pushing some slats back and then driving a tow tractor by, the vibration caused the slats to fall, lol, this was an important part of their education concerning where the Gunny and Cpl approved of them walking