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Let' have fun and pick on Tanker Builder

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  • Member since
    April 2020
Posted by Eaglecash867 on Wednesday, July 27, 2022 6:13 AM

Rob Gronovius
Create a fake you. Use a throwaway gmail account, put no real personal information on it. Call yourself Eagle Cash, Pigeon Dollar, Cuckoo Peso, whatever. Lurk at the open model pages, find one that suits you. MSU, make s--- up. Ramp up the privacy settings and you'd be invisible to others.

Already did that once, just for the purpose of checking the privacy of a friend's account.  Everything I provided to Facebook was fake information...except for my e-mail address of course...have to have a real one for them to verify your account.  No other personally-identifying information was shared.  A few days later, I start getting automated "friend" requests, and not from strangers.  Those requests came from the accounts belonging to family members, all of whom were in my Gmail contact list.  I called every one of my relatives and asked them if they had sent me a friend request, and they all said the same thing "No.  I didn't even know you were on Facebook."  I didn't authorize Facebook to access my personal e-mail contact list, and sure as hell didn't authorize them to use it for that purpose.  MAJOR privacy violation, possibly to a criminal extent.  That is why I will never go anywhere near that place.

"You can have my illegal fireworks when you pry them from my cold, dead fingers...which are...over there somewhere."

  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Fort Knox
Posted by Rob Gronovius on Wednesday, July 27, 2022 12:09 AM


I don't do Facebook.  Too many undisclosed privacy intrusions associated with that place.  Nothing is worth that.


Create a fake you. Use a throwaway gmail account, put no real personal information on it.

Call yourself Eagle Cash, Pigeon Dollar, Cuckoo Peso, whatever. Lurk at the open model pages, find one that suits you. MSU, make s--- up.

Ramp up the privacy settings and you'd be invisible to others.

  • Member since
    November 2009
  • From: SW Virginia
Posted by Gamera on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 7:37 PM



    Grouchy, Me? No Way! If'n I was, I wouldn't talk to anyone!


So T.B. you don't look like Clint Eastwood!??! Tongue Tied

"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen


  • Member since
    April 2020
Posted by Eaglecash867 on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 2:21 PM

I don't do Facebook.  Too many undisclosed privacy intrusions associated with that place.  Nothing is worth that.

"You can have my illegal fireworks when you pry them from my cold, dead fingers...which are...over there somewhere."

  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 11:34 AM


      I won't say "I don't do FaceBook" I don't by the way. Haven't figured it out, then there's the photo thing. Being a Museum Director and Model Builder keep the old brain occupied, and the politics of the Museum sometimes sours my day. The New Braunfels Museum and Model Club is at times a confusing lot, of Modeling, Dealing with the not so nice real world neighbors(They're Greedy) and all that will ruin one's day. And the Members who don't like masks!

      And what makes it worse our Neighbors, have support from the National Arts and Theater council and we stand alone. We can't even get Union Pacific RailRoad to stand with us and it's on their Property!! So we have our Board Meetings and I go through the process, then Come home to two very Nice ladies who have no interest in the Museum at all. So I have to keep all of it to myself!

        There is a past President who lives closeby. He has his own started Model Train, layout, But every time we get together it devolves into Personal and Past military service talk. Plus, God Bless Him, he forgets a lot of what we talk about and I have to go over it again. Oh Well. Plus trying to fix the trains he messes up between visits.

  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Fort Knox
Posted by Rob Gronovius on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 10:54 AM



     My Goodness! Someone finally figured it out! It's part of the reason that I post, is to talk to someone! There is no one, and I mean no one around here I can sit with, drink some coffee, tea, or even a beer and talk models and techniques.

      Yes ,I have a lot to share, but there's just no one to share it with except youse guys and Gals on the site. Even Papermodelers is somewhat distant, given that it's a foriegn site!(U.K.)

I figured it out long ago, but I only pop in during certain parts of the day; I leave for work in early afternoon and come home after midnight (eastern). But, as I said, somethings are better left unsaid.

Have you thought about FaceBook? There are countless modeling pages for various regions, various genres, etc.

I mean, if you like building spaceships out of toothpicks and bubble gum, there is probably a FaceBook group for that niche.

I belong to a Monogram Scale Model Group, Aurora Plastic Model Kits Group, Vintage Revell Group, Military Toys From our Childhood group, Science Fiction & Fantasy Modelers group, Renwal Models Nostalgia group, Cold War Model making group, Vietnam model making group, WWII-Cold War Armor group, IPMS/USA, Scale Model Graveyard, Retro Modellers, Full Metal Jacket Modeling, Model Kit Boneyard, Scale Model Trader, Pacific War Armor Modeling Interest Group, Korean War Modeling Interest Group, Sprue Society, a group simply called Modelers, my local IPMS chapter's group, a couple of my former AMPs and IPMS pages.

Seriously, there are countless people who would just love to chat with you real time because they are just like you and want to chat models.

About the only thing they all warn about is to avoid political discussion.

I also belong to multiple veterans' pages like the M1 Abrams tanker page, M48/60 Tanker page (I am an admin there), pages from my former units, etc.

For those of you who say, "I don't do FaceBook", you're missing out. It's one of the reasons a lot of forums have slowed down. But you can do both.

  • Member since
    March 2022
  • From: Twin cities, MN
Posted by missileman2000 on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 9:27 AM


Okay;PointyRocket guy2 (Sorry, Just can't resist)

        Now I am going to put you to task. My new Laptop is an H.P./IntelCore-13 It was more expensive than I had hoped, But it seems almost intuitive. My camera is a KODAK Pixpro AZ401, ModelMO53290662. The one thing my old Camera had this one doesn't is a screen that could be flipped out and around to allow me to see what the lens saw while I was looking at the screen. This one has the digital screen fixed on the back. So the shots i had hoped to be able to take are very hard to do.

      On ships I like to take the shots as if I was on a Motor-Whaleboat coming alongside. This shows the Rails and P.E. that was painstakingly installed from an unusual and different angle. The other camera also allowed me to shoot from eye level as in a Model car or piece of Armor. I still didn't take a lot as I just thought it took to much time away from building. I would like to try Pawel's way and then Yours. Let me get mentally geared up for what I want to shoot,Okay?


My good model camera has a fixed screen too.  My wife has a good compact with the movable screen.  Nice.  But I get along with mine okay, because of its other great features.  Photography is a hobby, so I am willing to get down on my knees at times, or even on my belly, to get the shot I want.

I built a little bench for my model photography, and made the legs a bit long so I don't have to get on my knees very often.

Another must have for good model photography is a tripod.  I picked up a new light weight one at Walmart for twenty bucks a few years ago.  I shoot aperture priority at f/16 or higher, so exposures are long.  But the tripod aids in seeing screen.  You only have to control your body, not the camera too.

I love low camera angles.  When I see planes and cars (and ships too) I am seeing them from a low angle, so that is how I like to photograph them.  Only twice have I looked down from above at a plane from above.  Once, in St. Louis I was putting along in my Ercoupe when I saw something come up on my right wing- it was an F-15 painted in bicentenial colors!

Second time was when the shuttle Enterprise and its carrier aircraft made an appearance at STL.  I was the information hack for our local EAA chapter.  We made arrangements for me to go up on the roof of a local FBO that overlooked the ramp, where we had some of the EAA planes.  Really treasure the shots of shuttle I got there.  I bought a model of the shuttle and carrier and one of these days I will build that in the livery the carrier used at that time.


  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 8:09 AM


    Grouchy, Me? No Way! If'n I was, I wouldn't talk to anyone!

  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 8:07 AM


     My Goodness! Someone finally figured it out! It's part of the reason that I post, is to talk to someone! There is no one, and I mean no one around here I can sit with, drink some coffee, tea, or even a beer and talk models and techniques.

      Yes ,I have a lot to share, but there's just no one to share it with except youse guys and Gals on the site. Even Papermodelers is somewhat distant, given that it's a foriegn site!(U.K.)

       When I lived in Ca. before the second wife, There were four or five modelers close by. We would get together on my houseboat's foredeck and model and B.S. about models and everything else!

  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Fort Knox
Posted by Rob Gronovius on Monday, July 25, 2022 11:47 PM

Some things are better left unsaid...but yes, it does seem like he starts posting conversational subjects in multiples just to see who responds.

Not that that's a bad thing. He just wants someone to talk to.

  • Member since
    November 2009
  • From: SW Virginia
Posted by Gamera on Monday, July 25, 2022 7:57 PM

Pick on T.B.????

Um, you guys honk off the grouchy old man, I'll stay at a safe distance.... Stick out tongue

"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen


  • Member since
    March 2007
  • From: Northeast WA State
Posted by armornut on Monday, July 25, 2022 10:26 AM

   My thing is I build so slow that I never build up the required muscle memory needed to simply put pix up. I agree the process here can be" challenging"  but not impossible. I only ask that you just keep being your interesting self and keep telling stories of your civilian fleet. I can use my vivid imagination to picture what your putting down.

we're modelers it's what we do

  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Monday, July 25, 2022 10:17 AM


         Sir, I cannot accept that explanation! You did not fail, I did! This whole thing of going three or four places just throws me off! It would be so much easier to load a card from my camera to this here Laptop then Post to FSM, but no, you have to go to another place and post from there. It's not as easy for someone who really is not that computer literate. I have explained why I can post the written word. The rest is as screwed up to me as trying to put my Kindle back on the Wi-Fi after it drops off! I have to get my landlady's daughter to do it when she is available too!

  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Monday, July 25, 2022 10:09 AM

Okay;PointyRocket guy2 (Sorry, Just can't resist)

        Now I am going to put you to task. My new Laptop is an H.P./IntelCore-13 It was more expensive than I had hoped, But it seems almost intuitive. My camera is a KODAK Pixpro AZ401, ModelMO53290662. The one thing my old Camera had this one doesn't is a screen that could be flipped out and around to allow me to see what the lens saw while I was looking at the screen. This one has the digital screen fixed on the back. So the shots i had hoped to be able to take are very hard to do.

      On ships I like to take the shots as if I was on a Motor-Whaleboat coming alongside. This shows the Rails and P.E. that was painstakingly installed from an unusual and different angle. The other camera also allowed me to shoot from eye level as in a Model car or piece of Armor. I still didn't take a lot as I just thought it took to much time away from building. I would like to try Pawel's way and then Yours. Let me get mentally geared up for what I want to shoot,Okay?

  • Member since
    March 2007
  • From: Northeast WA State
Posted by armornut on Monday, July 25, 2022 9:47 AM

   Pick on TB?? I would just like to say that I totally aporeciate his wisdom, input, and stories...when I have time to kill and can follow his train of though. That said there is being humble and being excentric. You do what you do TB but more pix to explain would be nice. Heck I failed in my challenge to you about posting pix too so I have no room to throw stones.

we're modelers it's what we do

  • Member since
    March 2022
  • From: Twin cities, MN
Posted by missileman2000 on Monday, July 25, 2022 8:45 AM


Why's  everybody always Picking on me?

            I will address this. My kid is a Bump on the world of models. Couldn't even try a robot and a simple one at that. Me? Well, just to settle things. I don't post pictures for three reasons. One-and most important; I NEVER got in the habit of tooting my own horn on any of my builds .EVER!! Two; I have gone from an Antique Dell to a state of the art(Well, it was on the day I bought it!) HP. No disc drive and don't know how to put the pictures init. Three; I cannot afford any other bills just now.

           I don't have the shekels for a photo Hosting sitess! Fair Enough!


If the new computer is reasonably current technology, you should be able to insert an SD card in it somewhere- no need for a disk drive.  Or, most cameras have a USB connection (my current SD card is defective- won't work in computer, so I have to hook USB cable between camera and computer).

As for hostings sites, there are a number of free ones. I use postimage.  Good site- fast, high res.

Sometimes a pic is illustrating a point, not bragging.  Sometimes you try to describe something in words that a diagram or pic would be much better.


  • Member since
    May 2009
  • From: Poland
Posted by Pawel on Monday, July 25, 2022 6:23 AM


Well, if I can help you with that I'd be more than happy.

So, basically, Humper & TB, if you want to post some pictures you can e-mail them to me, and I will post them. Just be sure not to post too many at one time, or you'll jam up my mailbox. Or I can give you another e-mail adress for posting more data.

I wonder, what happens now...

Have a nice day!


All comments and critique welcomed. Thanks for your honest opinions!

  • Member since
    November 2019
Posted by Humper on Monday, July 25, 2022 4:56 AM

 Hi Pawel, nice talking too you again! Your way sounds super simple and sure we could try, but again, TB doesn't even send me many. Usually when we're talking about something I look up random pictures of whatever it is on the internet to get a better idea of what he's talking about. 

 In a way he's reluctant about posting a full build, "Tooting his own horn" theory, and there is much more involved that as he said, we're not going to discuss here. I'm trying to break him of that and show everyone what it is he's rambling (LOL) about.

 Last night when I was "getting the highly polished boot" we talked about the camera/posting issues. I know you both talk quite a bit so when he reads these it might be a better option.  I believe he has your email. If he sent pictures from the phone, you would be able to handle it from there?

  Thanks for the help Pawel!!

  • Member since
    May 2009
  • From: Poland
Posted by Pawel on Monday, July 25, 2022 1:51 AM

Hello Humper!

If you have those photos on your mobile phone, it is just as good as if you took them personally. The next question is: can you put them on the 'net somehow? I mean some photo sharing site, you could also start a blog and upload them there. Heck, ina pinch you could mail them to ma and I'd put them up on my server. After that is done it's just a matter of linking it here - that's a snap in comparison. Wanna try it?

Have a nice day


All comments and critique welcomed. Thanks for your honest opinions!

  • Member since
    November 2019
Posted by Humper on Monday, July 25, 2022 12:34 AM

  Esoteric, thank you, I like it LOL  TB is definitly a wealth of knowledge, I've even tried to get him to publish some books on modeling in order to pass it all on...

  Pawel, the bigeest problem with that is, remember he lives in Texas and I'm in Michigan... He texts me some pictures every so often but as far as posting them here, he knows more about that than I do. 

  Thanks y'all for helping the ribbing, I got an earful for it of course, but maybe now we can get him to get pictures up. He can get over "Tooting his own horn" as he said LOL

  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Sunday, July 24, 2022 3:23 PM

Hey! Johnny K ! 

     I honestly wish I could.  I Haven't taken any lately. Plus I am sorry to say they are classified.( LOL,LOL,) Meaning-How the %$^^ to I get them from my phone to here? I would like to do it because of the little detailing tricks I use and how easy they would make things.

    I am going to try to venture that way one more time. After all batteries are fully charged or replaced, and someone here can spend about an hour or two with me. Honest! The here, means one of my friends from around New Braunfels that's savvy with this stuff. Okay? Oh Here's something just in. I will get some training, so there!!






  • Member since
    March 2015
  • From: Close to Chicago
Posted by JohnnyK on Sunday, July 24, 2022 3:03 PM

Come-on TB, post some pics of your stuff! I'll bet your stuff looks great!

Your comments and questions are always welcome.

  • Member since
    January 2020
  • From: Maryland
Posted by wpwar11 on Sunday, July 24, 2022 2:26 PM

Hey that's pretty cool to have a father/son team here.  If you removed the names and images I'm pretty sure we can all identify TB's post.  The content and of course, length are a dead giveaway.  He has his own unique style and when I have an hour to kill (lol) I like to read one of his entries.  
Next year I believe Nationals are in TB's area.  Maybe I will have a chance to meet the man.  Please let's try and keep it short though.  Its only a four day event.  

  • Member since
    March 2003
  • From: Towson MD
Posted by gregbale on Sunday, July 24, 2022 10:41 AM

Hi Greg!            You did Help as did Missleman2! Got the hang of it and a photo site.Then they decided fees were needed. Couldn't do it.

Just as an FYI, TB...should you ever get the hankerin' to jump back in to photo-world...I've been using Postimage for a couple years now, and they don't charge a nickel for the basic account (which I have). It's pretty straightforward and easy to use.



George Lewis:

"Every time you correct me on my grammar I love you a little fewer."
  • Member since
    May 2009
  • From: Poland
Posted by Pawel on Sunday, July 24, 2022 8:58 AM

Hey, Humper, I've got a better idea - why don't you grab your phone and snap some nice close ups of the models Doc is tinkering with... Post them here and then we can have our fun together, and respectfully, too!

As for TBs ramblin'... Sometimes I also can't quite figure it out, but I say without him those forums would be much more dead than they already are. So he's our treasure!

My best greetings for everybody and have a nice day!


All comments and critique welcomed. Thanks for your honest opinions!

  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Sunday, July 24, 2022 8:55 AM


     I do wholeheartedly agree with that. But, as I have said in my defense many times. I was not taught by a single someone. AND it was something I had to pick up over the years in a disjointed sort of way. Shoot, in all the years I built model cars I only posted to Scale Auto maybe three times and it was hard copy pictures to their Brick and Mortar address!

    To that point, If I had to post photos seven days a week, Well, in a work week, eight hours a day I would get the hang of it real quick! I know it's not that hard. I just now have equipment I know nothing about. My last good Camera got smashed by the Pawn shop! They replaced it, but the newer techier one didn't come with any onstructions! OJT for sure. Still haint got all the "T" stuff down yet!

  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Sunday, July 24, 2022 8:46 AM

Hey You! Pointy Rocket Guy2!!LOL.

      I am not reluctant! I just cannot justify the cost of a photo-hosting site and The Habit never really got ingrained in me .Tech jumps are another thing that Bumfizzled me. It seems like every time I turn around the basic steps keep the same but the equipment and how to use it don't. Remember I have said before. The only reason I can post, is I got familiar with a Word processor just before they went away. Had nothing to do with High tech till 1996 when I gor remarried.

       I have all your instructions in a notebook, in order. Now that said. How do you take pictures out of the Camera Card, Put it on a Thumb Drive, then Import here to the Laptop to upload to a FREE site. See what I mean? I was just getting the hang of it with the ship bridge pictures when the bottom fell out once more! I still don't know what half of the icons around this reply box mean!

  • Member since
    April 2020
Posted by Eaglecash867 on Sunday, July 24, 2022 8:40 AM

...since modeling is by definition an essentially visual medium, even the best descriptions don't quite get the job done


It is also a good way for anybody you're sharing a technique with to see visual evidence that the technique being shared actually works to the level the other poster is looking for.  Gives them a chance to look at it and say "I think I'll try that..." or "Thanks, but I don't like how that looks."  I also tend to feel that commenting on or critiquing builds in photos that other members have posted is inappropriate if the commenter/critic never puts their own work out there to be commented on/critiqued.

"You can have my illegal fireworks when you pry them from my cold, dead fingers...which are...over there somewhere."

  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Sunday, July 24, 2022 8:36 AM

Hi Greg!

           You did Help as did Missleman2! Got the hang of it and a photo site.Then they decided fees were needed. Couldn't do it. Went to another, Some months in, Same thing, Third site Lost my file! Now after all that, Camera was destroyed in Van Crash that saved my life. Hmmmm. New lease on life , New Camera. Hey, No Film! Oiks! Got clued in on digital and was building a portfolio to post. Life got in the way again.

           Plus with my demeanor I don't Toot My own Horn, As my dad used to say. Last photo I saw of Myself was one one from Way Back when I was still coming to grips with Plane Crash Survivorship. Look Like a Pavement roller and a WWF star worked me over! Nuffsaid. I still have all your's and Missleman's stuff written down. 


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