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Let' have fun and pick on Tanker Builder

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  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Sunday, July 24, 2022 8:28 AM


      How dare You! Esoteric? Now that's one I have not been labeled with yet. Thank You. Yes, I do get into Esoteric and quite often. Learning Engineering and Design back in slide rule days wasn't easy. There was so much that could be done better OUT of the BOX!

  • Member since
    March 2003
  • From: Towson MD
Posted by gregbale on Sunday, July 24, 2022 8:24 AM


What I wonder about is his reluctance to post images!  Several of us have tried to help him- I get the idea he just does not want to.  These days a picture is worth millions of words/bytes.

I have to confess I have tried to (respectfully) prod him in that direction once or twice myself; since modeling is by definition an essentially visual medium, even the best descriptions don't quite get the job done.

And, again respectfully, I say this as someone who had zero background in photography when I started. I bought a cheap digital camera on Amazon...the same one I have all these years later...and just jumped in with two feet. Big Smile


George Lewis:

"Every time you correct me on my grammar I love you a little fewer."
  • Member since
    October 2019
  • From: New Braunfels, Texas
Posted by Tanker-Builder on Sunday, July 24, 2022 8:22 AM

Why's  everybody always Picking on me?

            I will address this. My kid is a Bump on the world of models. Couldn't even try a robot and a simple one at that. Me? Well, just to settle things. I don't post pictures for three reasons. One-and most important; I NEVER got in the habit of tooting my own horn on any of my builds .EVER!! Two; I have gone from an Antique Dell to a state of the art(Well, it was on the day I bought it!) HP. No disc drive and don't know how to put the pictures init. Three; I cannot afford any other bills just now.

           I don't have the shekels for a photo Hosting sitess! Fair Enough! I have NEVER taken Photos of any in progress photos of any of my projects be they real world buildings or Models. I guess one thing that stuck with me was my Dad. He told me. If you are the best, they will seek you out. You Don't need to shout your name or company name to the rooftops - Word of Mouth is way better! So I have always lived to that philosophy. Yes, I have had some Wonderful Photo equipment,Yes, I used it a lot. To record the family and it's doings for my children's Posterity.

           I haven't taken many photos since December 3rd, 1982,at 3:23P.M. I will Not go public as to why. That's on me. My adopted Humper Knows why. I just have NEVER gotten into photos again like I used to. Sorry. That is whay I am so Verbose. I try to make the world in general See, through my words. In other words, Paint a Word Picture. As to the rest of you, Can't A guy enjoy his first cup of the day already? Besides I have to finish Polishing this Famous Boot! It's gonna be in the Dark agin, I see!

  • Member since
    March 2022
  • From: Twin cities, MN
Posted by missileman2000 on Sunday, July 24, 2022 7:54 AM

What I wonder about is his reluctance to post images!  Several of us have tried to help him- I get the idea he just does not want to.  These days a picture is worth millions of words/bytes.

  • Member since
    June 2012
  • From: Anniston, AL
Posted by GAF on Sunday, July 24, 2022 5:27 AM

Hey! Respect your elders, young man!  He may ramble a bit, and may forget a lot, but still he's a font of knowledge about... what was it?  Oh, yeah!   ESOTERIC things!  Yep, esoteric!  That's the word, dagnabit!

Really, no respect from young people nowadays, gol-darnit!  Wink

Excuse me while I take a nap.


  • Member since
    November 2019
Let' have fun and pick on Tanker Builder
Posted by Humper on Sunday, July 24, 2022 12:04 AM

  As some of you know, TB is my dad, and all of know he can ramble on endlessly at times....

  I'm not so much into the ships (floaties as he and I say) but we got in a conversation tonight about the vessel that Steve5 is working on. WOW is that just a work of art. Looking through the thread and pops explaining what was going on, 1/2 hour seemed like nothing! I most certainly will never attempt to build something like that, but by golly how impressive to look at! 

  Help me out with geezer LOL. When he's rambling on because he's bored, please tell him so. Gotta admit, some of his post are, well.....

  So let's pick on him a bit, but be kind. I'm already gonna get a Gunny boot put up my keester for even writing this! BWAHAHA!


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